Saturday, September 15, 2012

Making Choices!

I've had to do a LOT of thinking lately.  I haven't felt good for a while and it has really made me look at things differently and I think for the better.

Some things I am changing my mind about:

I don't have to be the thinnest I can get - being healthy is more important!

I can eat what makes me feel good!

I don't have to workout for hours every day, doing the hardest workouts available, sometimes taking a walk is the best thing for me!

Taking a day off is a GOOD THING!

Learning new things and look at new perspectives is always best!

I don't have to be STRONG all the time.  I can be upset, be sad, be lazy for a while.

What works for one person, may not be the best choice for me.

Learning to let go and LET GOD is hard, but so necessary.

I don't have time for people that make me feel bad about myself.  They have to go!

Taking a nap doesn't mean you are lazy.

My family and friends mean the WORLD to me ( I already knew this, but it was reinforced)

Getting a good doctor that listens to you and cares is so important!

So, I am choosing to listen to my own advice, I am choosing joy and happiness, I am choosing to be healthy and I am choosing to be ME!