Monday, January 24, 2011

Never use it with BEAR feet!

So many random things to talk about today!

First of all, I got my herstyler and I am loving it.  My hair looks good (straight) and I have decided that I don't think I'll be giving up my "day" job to be a hairstylist.  HA!  Meredith and I tried to make the curls like they did, but it didn't quite work out....  I need a lesson or two.  Lauren says she can help there.  Thank goodness!  I don't think Meredith will be having me curl her hair again anytime soon.

I did love the instructions:

NEVER use the device with BEAR Feet!  LOVE IT!

Over the weekend, I committed to do a 5K in March.  As long as it isn't scheduled when we are planning on going on vacay (Savannah GA, Baby!) then I will be running.  I am NOT a runner.  I don't know what came over me, but I am going to do it!  So, to get in shape for it, I am doing Insanity and running.  I was in the best cardiovascular shape when I did Insanity last time.  Today was Day 2.  I did Plyo Cardio Circuit.  41 mins of pure hell.  But, I did it!  My calves will be screaming tomorrow and Wed.

Insanity is also the #1 rated infomercial.  Remember if you want to purchase it, go through my website, you'll get a bonus workout you do not get from the infomercial!

I am going to try and follow the meal plan as closely as possible ( avoiding all the meat and dairy and subbing in tofu, beans and eggs, almond milk and daiya).  It's hard when you don't eat meat and dairy, but I'm going to do my best.  I'll be blogging about my experience as much as I can and as much as you guys want to read about it!

Lauren, Kathie (Lauren's mom) and I went to the bridal show yesterday.  This was my first visit to a bridal show!  I didn't really know what to expect, we walked around, looked at all the booths and tasted more cupcakes.  I think a decision has been made on the cake!  It will be yummy!

Laren will be a beautiful bride!

Being a bride is tiring......