So, how do you get back on track?
Plan a workout every day - make it a family affair. Do something fun with the kids or the grandparents. Go for a brisk walk, do some yoga and stretching, Workout - hard by yourself. Whatever it takes to get the job done daily!
Eat sensible meals - less caloric than yesterday probably won't be too hard. Clean proteins (tofu, beans, chicken or turkey if you eat meat, tempeh, lentils, whatever you like! But, eat clean! No more desserts!
Shakeology jumpstart is a great way to burn off the goo! 2 shakes per day and then a good meal at night with clean protein and a salad. You'll probably even lose a few lbs. 3 days is more than enough to get things back in order! Add in some green tea and fruit and you are good to go!
Move more - do some extra cleaning, go shopping and park as far away as you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you are traveling, stop and move around a little whenever you take your bathroom breaks. Sitting in the car, do some ab work - hold your stomach in for a count of 10 and then release. Repeat! Make it fun!
Get the leftovers out of the house - give them to a neighbor or friend that may need some extra food, send it home with other family members, freeze it for another day, just get it out of sight so it is out of mind!
If you want to try Shakeology, let me know. I'm happy to send a sample out to you!! If you want to purchase it, click on the Shakeology link on the right side of the blog!
Discussion: How do you get back on track?