Tuesday, November 30, 2010

are you up to the challenge?

I just posted the new December Challenge on the message boards!  It's going to be fun and someone is going to win a prize!  Head over there, get the details and be ready to start tomorrow!  Maybe YOU will be the lucky winner!  I'm going to pick a GREAT prize!

Fit Club for tonight has been canceled (and for next week as well!) The Community Center is all booked up for the next 2 weeks and then after that, we are ready to BRING IT on December 14!  We will be meeting in the media center room instead of the gym!  I can't wait to get started and thank you so much for your patience!

In the meantime, I'll meet you in WOWY (Work Out With You) the online super gym.  Just let me know if you'll be there!  7 PM tonight!  Any workout is acceptable and you have a chance to win cool prizes (anyone need some cash????,  Ipod touch, digital camera or camcorder???) 

If you don't have an account, sign up for free hereThe best part is that I get to be YOUR coach!  I can help you get the results you are looking for!

Discussion:  Did you find any great Cyber Monday deals?  I bought a few things, but didn't really find a lot I wanted.  Not sure what I want to purchase for everyone yet.

I'll be putting together a GREAT Holiday Gift Guide later this week!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Success Story!

I absolutely LOVE hearing about success stories, especially when they are from my customers, friends and relatives!!

When we went to mom and dad's for Thanksgiving, we got a special visit from a dear family friend, well she is more like family than a friend!!  However, she is using Shakeology and has had an amazing result in less than 1 MONTH!  I was so excited for her and she couldn't wait to share the news with me!

Virginia has had high blood pressure for a while now and she monitors it regularly.  She told me that she bought one of those wrist monitors to check it a couple of times per day.  So since Dad had such great success with Shakeology and his blood pressure, Virginia decided to give it a try.  I mean, what do you have to lose?  Nothing!  After only about 3 weeks on Shakeology, her blood pressure is in the normal range!  She was shocked.  She really couldn't believe it and was checking her pressure more often and even had a nurse check it to make sure there wasn't something wrong with her monitor.  I absolutely love these kinds of stories!!!!

If you have a success story to share, please do so!!

I started a 3 day Shakeology jumpstart today! I am having 2 shakes and a big salad with clean protein for my meals, fruit and fresh veggies for snack and tons of water and green tea!  I can't wait to see what kind of results I get!  If you want to join me or do yours at a later time, just let me know.  I can sell you enough packets of Shakeology to get through it!  You WILL see results!!!

I recently got this book to review and I want to share it with you all!

Natural to Supernatural Health

by David Herzog

Natural to Supernatural Health is a neat little resource guide on how to live your life in a healthier, happier way, improving your health naturally and transforming your body to being more fit and in shape. The book is easy to read and details a path to take to remove the toxins and impurities from our bodies. For the most part, the author urges you to remove toxins from your diet and replace them with healthy, all natural, organic options. He encourages exercise, walking, fresh air and a positive mental attitude. He details which foods and supplements are helpful in which areas. The suggestions are easy to follow and includes cleansing, eating super natural foods, weight loss, improving your thoughts and focus, stress reduction, healing foods, natural beauty solutions, age reversal, and a number of other suggestions.

The book is written in easy to understand language and writes to your average consumer and not someone overly schooled in natural remedies and solutions which I really appreciate. I particularly enjoyed the foods that heal section, especially now that cold and flu season has arrived, and plan to try the natural flu and cold medicine recipe included in the book.

This is a great resource for anyone beginning the journey to better health with simple solutions that can be easily implemented without odd ingredients or hard to find products. Try it, you'll like it!

Discussion:  Do you change your diet after a big holiday or do you just get back on track with your normal eating ways!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I issued a throwdown for my nephew Dalton yesterday, publicly on facebook.  It read:

I'm pretty sure that I can whoop you in a game of 5 dice tonight!!! You up for it????

I heard crickets.  When we got to Mom's, Dalton came over and I asked why he didn't reply to my throwdown.  He told me he hadn't been on facebook.  WHAT????  How do you go a whole day without checking your facebook?  That is another story altogether.

So, after a great dinner of taco soup (thanks to Denisa for sharing the recipe), we had a hot game of 5 dice!

Dalton and Brian

Mom and Dad

Daryl, Devin and Dalton

all the action!

The result???
Winner, winner, Chicken dinner!

Dalton got a beating, then Daryl gave all of us a true beating!  We had a blast!  I love spending time with my family.  Just wish the boys could be here with us!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Back on track today!

Well we've all stuffed ourselves silly yesterday and enjoyed the wonderful food and family!  It's time to get back on track.  If we let ourselves go all weekend, you will just regret it come Monday morning!

So, how do you get back on track?

Plan a workout every day - make it a family affair.  Do something fun with the kids or the grandparents.  Go for a brisk walk, do some yoga and stretching, Workout - hard by yourself.  Whatever it takes to get the job done daily!

Eat sensible meals - less caloric than yesterday probably won't be too hard.  Clean proteins (tofu, beans, chicken or turkey if you eat meat, tempeh, lentils, whatever you like!  But, eat clean!  No more desserts!

Shakeology jumpstart is a great way to burn off the goo!  2 shakes per day and then a good meal at night with clean protein and a salad.  You'll probably even lose a few lbs.  3 days is more than enough to get things back in order!  Add in some green tea and fruit and you are good to go!

Move more - do some extra cleaning, go shopping and park as far away as you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator.  If you are traveling, stop and move around a little whenever you take your bathroom breaks.  Sitting in the car, do some ab work - hold your stomach in for a count of 10 and then release.  Repeat!  Make it fun!

Get the leftovers out of the house  - give them to a neighbor or friend that may need some extra food, send it home with other family members, freeze it for another day,  just get it out of sight so it is out of mind!

If you want to try Shakeology, let me know.  I'm happy to send a sample out to you!!  If you want to purchase it, click on the Shakeology link on the right side of the blog!

Discussion:  How do you get back on track?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We've had a great day, I'm full and thankful and blessed beyond my wildest dreams!  I can't wait until I get to see the rest of my family tomorrow!

Stay safe if you are traveling and also if you are shopping on Black Friday!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the good, the bad, but no ugly!!!

What a day it has been!  Some good things, some not so good things!

First the bad:

My theory is to get it over with quick!

1)  No gas on at the rental property.  The heater won't come on and it's going to be 19 tonight.  Solution:  took a couple of heaters over to put in the bathroom and kitchen.  Sending up a prayer that it works and the pipes don't burst.  We completely forgot that it was gas heat.  How does that happen????

2)  Stopped up the garbage disposal.  I did a good number on it and I knew at the time that I shouldn't put the sweet potato peels down it.  Solution:  Brian is going to take it apart and fix it for me.  He's not very happy with me, but still loves me!!

3)  One of the renters came by, evidently there was a slow leak in the attic and the ceiling in the bathroom fell in.  Good grief, I'm so thankful that no one was in there at the time.  Solution:  Jake and Nick are going over to put up new insulation and a new piece of drywall.

4)  Tornado watches and warning all around us.  Crazy weather here right now.  It was a high of 75 (74 now as I type this at 5 PM) and the low is going to be 19.  What a change of weather.  The generator battery has died and Brian is out there in the rain right now trying to get it charged.  Hoping we don't need it tonight.

So for the good things:

1)  Meredith and Madelyn came over today and that is always a nice time.  Grumpy took us all our to eat lunch and Robin called and met us while we were there.  That is another nice surprise!

2)  Pumpkin pies are in the oven and the house smells so good!  I still have to get the chocolate pecan pie and the pumpkin cinnamon rolls made, but that won't take very long!

3)  I'm so looking forward to seeing my family this holiday!

4)  And, I don't have to travel today or tomorrow!  YAY!!  That is good news!!

5)  and just because I want to have one more good thing than bad:  I'm wearing one of my favorite shirts!!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's Tuesday again!!!

You know what that means?  It's Fit Club Tuesday! 

Tonight's workout is once again Slim in 6 - Ramp it Up!  This workout is great beacause everyone can do it.  It is for all levels and is so effective!

Debbie Siebers works with her slim techinque.  Fat burning cardio with light resistance that will have you slimming and toning without bulking up!  It's a great workout and will get you results!

The new  P90X One on One Yoga: MC2, is GREAT! If you don't love the P90X Yoga ( 1 1/2 hours IS a long time) check out the One on One Yoga workouts to sub in its place.  30 - 45 mins long and just right.  Fountain of Youth, Patience Hummingbird and the new MC2.  Several to choose from and you still get the GREAT benefits of yoga!

Fit Club Recipe:

Winter Wonderland Salad

As the days grow shorter, there's still plenty of delicious seasonal produce to enjoy. Check out this recipe that features late-season favorites like beets, cauliflower, and walnuts for a delicious, nutritious salad that's great any time of year (but especially now!).

2 oz. balsamic vinegar

1 Tbsp. whole-grain or coarse-grain mustard

4 oz. olive oil

2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

8 oz. mixed salad greens

2 Belgian endives, cut in 1/4-inch rounds

2 cups cauliflower florets

1 cup beets, thinly sliced (precooked or steamed)

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Salt and pepper (to taste)

Whisk vinegar, mustard, olive oil, and lemon juice to create dressing. Add pepper and a pinch of salt if desired. In a large salad bowl, combine salad greens, endive, cauliflower, beets, and walnuts. Pour dressing over salad a little bit at a time while tossing, being careful not to saturate salad with dressing. Serve immediately. Makes 8 servings.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Discussion:  Do you have your meal planning done for Thanksgiving?  What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?  I love getting together with my family, and of course my mom's famous noodles!

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Team Beachbody Meal Planner

Be sure to check out the meal planner.  Great recipes and just one of the many great features you get when you are a club member with Team Beachbody!

As a club member you get  10% off all purchases, the WOWY supergym sweepstakes (without having to fill out any forms), VIP Chats with the trainers, nutrition tips and recipes and the meal planner.

Join today!  It's just $2.99 per week billed at $38.87 per quarter!  So many great benefits, you don't want to miss out!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I had the best time over the weekend.  I loved Wicked, had a great time with my family and friends and I'm beat today!

a few highlights:

I really liked the massage chair!

the head thing was weird (yes, I had them sanitize it first!!)

family photo at dinner!
Mom, Aunt Connie and my grandma, June

Getting ready to go into the show!
Then yesterday I had a booth at the Miracle Market to support Children's Miracle Network.  I got to talk to a LOT of people about health and fitness.  I love doing that!

Today I will be resting and relaxing and recovering!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Style Tips with Chalene!

Quick post tonight.  I've been so busy all day long.  I'll be back tomorrow with a Wicked update and photos!  Had a GREAT time!

Enjoy these style tips from Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme and Turbo Fire!

Friday, November 19, 2010

gonna have a wicked time

I am in Tulsa today for a fun day with my friends and family!  We are going to do a little Christmas shopping, have some good food and see Wicked!  I really can not wait!

Julie and I got to town yesterday, just in time to have a mani/pedi

walk around the mall a little, check out some cool items

and have a great dinner and a drink!  Apple cider martini - so tasty!

The hotel is amazing.  It has a very european/modern feel to the hotel.  Very cool!

 We are headed off to the gym to get a workout in and then off to get some breakfast.  We are starving.  Mom is joining us this morning and then Connie and June are meeting us for dinner before the show!  I'm sure I'll have lots to tell you tomorrow!!

Discussion:  have you seen a good play lately?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

baby days

Wednesday's are baby days and it is hard for me to get my blog posting and the work done, but oh, I love it so!

Today, we have played, eaten a lot of cheerios, cleaned up a lot of cheerios, gone to lunch with Grumpy and napped.

Toys have been picked up several times and we have laughed - a lot!

It's been a great day so far!

Nona, do you need this?

Roxy, come and see me!  Nona, let's go outside!

Nap time again?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fit club Tuesday

Another Tuesday, another Fit Club!  I love it, we really have a good time and I love connecting with so many people.  All fitness levels are welcome, and as always, no charge for the class.  come on out and play with us!

7 PM
Carl Junction Community Center
303 N. Main St.

Bring some water and a mat or towel.

tonight's workout is Slim in 6 - Ramp it Up!

Check out this P90X Contest!  Do you have a great X photo?  Get entered today!

Fit Club Recipe:

Sunset Sweet Potato Drop Biscuits

1 cup mashed cooked sweet potatoes or yams ( 2 small baked sweet potatoes)
3 tbsp canola oil
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 cup whoe-wheat pastry flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground nutmeg
non-stick vegetable oil cooking spray

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.   Coat baking sheet with nonstick vegetable oil cooking spray.

Combine sweet potatoes, oil, vinegar, syrup,and salt in large bowl.  Sift in flour, baking powder and nutmeg.

Cut dry ingredients into sweet potato mixture with a fork until the mixture comes together.  Stir in 2-3 Tbsp water, or enough to get dough to hold together.

Drop golf-ball sized rounds of dough onto prepared baking sheet.  Bake 15-17 mins or until tops are lightly browned and firm to the touch.  Serve warm.

If you want a more elegant presentation, roll out the dough and cut with a 2 inch round cutter.

12 servings

Discussion:  What is your favorite Thanksgiving recipe?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fuel your body with breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.  Do you eat it regularly?

Breafast is simply breaking the fast.  You have been fasting since your last meal, your body needs to replinish the calories and your blood sugar is low.  Your body needs the fuel to keep going.  So it needs to be fed first thing when you wake.

When you eat breakfast you:

 have better mental clarity  I dont know about you, but I need all the help I can get!  You will be more focused, able to be more productive at work or school.

will be able to maintain a healthy weight  Did you know that people that don't eat breakfast have a tendency to eat more calories throughout the day? 

have a better chance of preventing diabetes According to the American Heart Association, breakfast eaters are less likely to develop diabetes.

have a better mood  Skipping breakfast can lead to feeling tired, irritable, and even depressed.

have higher energy levels eating a balanced breakfast will give you the energy you need to get through your day.

are a good expample for your family now is the time to instill good eating habits for your kids and the rest of your family.

So what do you eat for breakfast?  You definitely do not want a sugar and fat loaded breakfast.  Eat a sensible breakfast that will fuel your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need.

Some good breakfast choices:

Oatmeal, or other grain cereals with fruit and nuts.  I love to make my oatmeal with water and then add in some sliced fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are my faves), a few sliced almonds, a dash of cinnamon and tsp of pure maple syrup and top with a splash of almond milk. YUM!

Fruit smoothie. throw your favorite fruits in the blender add in juice or almond milk, some stevia and blend to your hearts desire.  If you use frozen fruit, you don't have to add ice!

Egg or tofu scramble.  add in veggies with a touch of olive oil and saute til almost done.  Add in your eggs or tofu and cook until done.  You can also put this in a wrap with a slice of the Morningstar  Farms bacon alternative and a little salsa.

Peanut Butter toast or wrap. I love using a whole wheat or Ezekial wrap and smothering it with peanut butter ( 1 tbsp) and adding sliced bananas.  roll it up and take it with you, so quick and easy!

Cereal with almond milk  Be sure to choose a healthy cereal, not a sugary one.  Check your labels.  Add in some sliced fruit for a little extra taste treat!

Shakeology. I can't forget my absolute favorite breakfast of all time!  Today I had 4 oz of water, 4 oz of silk nog and 1 tbsp peanut butter mixed in my chocolate shakeology.  YUM!!

Now you have a few ideas of quick and easy breakfast and you can start your day off on the right foot.  Your body will thank you!

Discussion:  What is YOUR favorite breakfast?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

girlfriend fun

Yesterday Brian went to the gun show, so I called up the girls and we got together for a day of fun!  We started off with a workout ( a little girlfriend fit club) Brazil Butt Lift's Cardio Axe (pronounced ah-shay) was a fun way to get going, then we went into the kitchen for a little cooking lesson.  Spaghetti squash was on the menu.  We served it with veggie soup YUM!

Afterward it was a little shopping time!!

These are my purchases for the day

Then we met up with the guys for dinner and dancing!!!

 mention dancing and this is the reaction we get:

Not much dancing went on to say the least!  That's okay, this club can't handle us anyway!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Healthy Dessert??

Oh my!  Came across these recipes and will definitely be making these today or this weekend. 

Had to share with you!!

Shakeology Oatmeal Bars

3 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup Peanut butter
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
dash cinnamon
splash of vanilla
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
4 scoops chocolate Shakeology

Mix all dry ingredients, then add skim milk and vanilla to blend. Add peanut butter and mix w/ hands. Put mixture in an 8x8 pan, press flat, refrigerate for 2-3 hours and cut into squares!

Not your cup of tea?

How about this one?

Shakeology No Bake Cookies

1 cup natural peanut butter

1 cup quick cook oatmeal
1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
1 cup shakeology powder

Combine ingredients in medium bowl. Mix well. Roll into balls (about a heaping tsp each)

These are AMAZE-BALLS!!!!

I think I might be in heaven, healthy, good dessert!

I'll post photos as soon as I get them done!

 Don't know about Shakeology? 

We have our shake every morning for breakfast.  So tasty and filling and good for us! 
Head over to my website and check it out! 


Simplify nutrition with Shakeology. Each chocolate or greenberry shake contains protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes to help you achieve optimal health, increase energy, become more regular, and lose weight. Choose Home Direct to get a 30-day supply delivered every month right to your door! Also with Home Direct, you get free shipping and a free workout and shaker cup! You can cancel at any time. This works out to be $4 per day. You would spend that much going through the drive-thru for a meal, or a speciality coffee at Starbucks. Why not spend your money wisely and get ALL the nutrients you need for the day.

Shakeology contains 23 vitamins and minerals.

It's like eating:

10 cups cauliflower
4 cups broccoli
4 cups mushroms
4 cups radishes
3 cups lettuce
1 cup peas
7 carrots
3 raw onions

With Beachbody waiving the coach sign-up fee, you can save even more on your Shakeology!  Ask me for details!!
Discussion:  What is your favorite healthy dessert?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

accountibility partners

I have found that we all need accountibility to stay on track.  Do you have an accountability partner?  Do you have someone that is in your corner and will call you out when you are not doing what needs to be done?  If not, you need to get one right away. 

How do you pick an accountability partner?

Choose the right person.  I think you should look for someone that has the same goals/ideas as you, usually someone of the same gender works best, choose someone that will stick with you and let you know when you are not following your plan.  Don't choose a "yes man", get someone that will challenge you.

Be specific when you are telling your partner what you are trying to accomplish.  Tell them exactly what you will be needing from them and how you want to be held accountable.  If you want to work out 3 times per week, make sure they know what days you plan to workout, let them ask you if you did your job for that day.

Be honest.  If you mess up, own up to it.  It's not the end of the world, but you would only be lying to yourself. 

Put your goals in writing.  Put them where you will see them everyday.  I really encourage you to make a dream board.   I make one every year and it sits on my fireplace mantel.  This way I see it everyday, plus I started keeping my daily journal in my dream notebook.  I look at it everyday too.  I know what I am working towards.

Have fun! Working out is always more fun with a friend or a group that is supportive and cheering you on!  You are more apt to stick with it when it is fun!


Put your money where your mouth is - If you want to really succeed and have your partner hold you to it, then put a little money on it.  Have a winning pot for the person that reaches their goals first or if you don't stick with your plan, you have to pay.  Anythng that is going to make you stick with your plan or get to your goal is going to work.  If it hits your pocketbook, it may make you work a little harder!  Doesn't have to be a lot of money, just a little works!

In order to get the results we want, we have to work for them.  Post on the message boards  and I will help you reach your health/fitness goals if you don't have a partner, or you may find one there as well!  Great group of people on the boards!

Discussion:  Do you have an accountability partner?  How has it helped you?