Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I have had a reader request to talk about how to stay motivated when working out and eating healthy. This is really hard and is so different for every person.

My best advice is to just do it! It takes 21 days to create a new habit. That is just 3 weeks. If you work out for 5-6 days every week for 3 weeks, you will have created a new habit that will be easier to stick with.

Get a workout buddy! It's more fun to workout with someone else. You will stick with it if someone else is counting on you. If you don't have anyone that will work out with you. Sign up for a free account at and I'll send out invites and we can work out together in the virtual gym. Even though we aren't in person working out, if you set a time and know that you have someone meeting you online, you are more apt to stick with it! If you sign up and want to work out with me, let me know so I can send you the invite. I work out in the mornings and again at 5:30 PM CT.

If you are trying to lose weight, then post a photo of yourself when you were thinner on your fridge. If you are looking at it daily, you will be more inclined to get those workouts in and not eat what you shouldn't.

Also, remember how you feel when you workout and eat right. You know that you are going to feel better, look better and even sleep better.

Keep a journal and a to-do list. You have to schedule your workouts just like you would any other appointment. Put it in your phone, set a reminder and get it done. Lay out your workout clothes and shoes so that you see them first thing when you get up in the morning. I do recommend that you workout first thing. This way you won't have something come up that will be an excuse not to workout. AND, let's face it. It's way to easy to find something else to do. Get it done first thing. You will have more energy throughout the day!

So in 3 weeks you can have a new healthy habit and be on your way to your fitness goals! I love having workout buddies, so get in touch with me and let's workout together in the virtual gym! You will have a chance to win up to $1000 or other cool prizes ( ipods, cameras and camcorders!) That is motivation in and of itself.

If you have any other questions, please post them here or email me directly -!

I hope that my internet is back up today. They've been working on it all day. :) Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. Hoping for internet service for you! Thanks for the great tips - I think just keeping at it is key too!!

  2. I need to post this on my fridge. True inspiration, thanks for the boost.

  3. Thanks for stopping by today. :)

    These are great tips. My sister has been my workout buddy. It really does help to kick each other into gear.

  4. You sound so motivated in your post. I'm 65 and have joined the Silver Sneakers class at my gym. I'm trying to stay motivated, because I always feel better after the class. But this time of year, on cold mornings, it's hard not to just stay under that electric blanket!
    Just stopped by from SITS; hope you will do the same.


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