This last weekend, I decide before I begin this crazy workout routine (Insanity/P90X) I would do a 2 day Shakeology fast. I wanted to just get a jump start on weight loss and toning. The goal was to have Shakeology for breakfast and lunch and then have a good, whole food dinner. Not sure what I was thinking of starting this the weekend of Brian's birthday, but I had started it and was determined to finish it. Brian decided he would join me, so I thought we could be strong together. Boy, was I ever wrong!!!
Saturday AM: We get up bright and early and have our first Shakeology - tasty and feeling just great!
Saturday 11:00 AM: in a hurry, but we made our shakes, Brian had thin mint, I had greenberry lemonana. Still feeling good, but had a busy afternoon. We showed property to family and were running around like crazy. A little hungry, but not bad.
Saturday 2 PM - the family wants to eat something (they hadn't had lunch yet) so off we go to Panera Bread. I decided I would just have something to drink and Brian wasn't going to have anything. We walked in and I could smell the bagels. Oh hell no..... this isn't good, my stomach immediately starts growling. I decide I'll have a bowl of veggie soup and a roll and then a light dinner. Brian jumps right off the deep end and has coffee and a BROWNIE!!!
We run into the hardware store and as we come out - Girl Scouts from hell. Lookin' so cute with their little signs: Please support your local Girl Scouts. As we walk out, I put my head down, there will be no eye contact. They look right at Brian - bad sign - "would you like to buy some girl scout cookies, mister?" All innocent and angelic. Brian goes right over to them and buys THREE BOXES!!! I refuse to look at him. How can you do this to me? We get out to the car and Brian won't look at me. He KNOWS!!!!!! Needless to say, I ate 3 of the little buggars ( not the girl scouts!)
We go on to show property and Brian decides we need to go to the casino for a while. We lose all our money, I mean putter around for a few hours (it sure seemed that long.....) and we leave the casino a little lighter - not in lbs mind you. Brian decides he is hungry. It's now 8 PM and we didn't eat any dinner, but had that wonderful snack at 2. Somehow, Brian drives the car through Wendy's drive thru and orders a grilled chicken sandwich AND FRIES...... I order water. I'm going to be strong and do the right thing. As the car smells heavenly, I wolf down a few handfuls of fries, Brian devours his chicken sandwich and the last of the fries. What the heck happened anyway to our great intentions?????
Sunday AM: This is going to be much better. Oh, and by the way - Happy Birthday Brian!!!! Chocolate Shakeology for Brian, Greenberry lemonana for me. The kids are all coming over for dinner and I am cooking/cleaning like a mad woman.
Sunday 12:00 PM - lunch time and I'm starving. Chocolate Shakeology for both of us. Everything is under control. Cleaning is done, cooking is started. I start on the chocolate mousse. It's a healthy version made with tofu and maple syrup. I think that I am hungry, so I eat a cup of red grapes. No problems there.
Sunday 4:00 PM- Nick and Jake come in and start raiding the pantry. I'm still cooking ( making the meat loaf) and leave the open bag of popchips on the counter right in front of me. I eat 2 handfuls before I even realize it. I put them away and tell myself I'm back on track. Brian has been at an open house all afternoon, I have no idea how he is doing, but assure myself that he is busy and not thinking about food.
Sunday 6:00 PM - Dinner with the family. I did eat pretty good. Roasted veggies, salad, veggie burger, mashed potatoes and a corn muffin. Not too bad, didn't really feel stuffed. I did have some chocolate mousse, a smallish portion. Brian had a huge bowl of mousse and was miserable. He ate 2 helpings of meat loaf, a few corn muffins......
So, I get up on Monday morning thinking that the weeked was a complete bust. I jump on the scale and I lost 3 lbs. I was pretty happy with this. I really did feel lighter and my pants fit a litle looser. Brian did not get on the scale, said he just wanted to believe that it was a good experience. Go ahead and live in your fantasy world honey.....
Overall, I was very happy with my results. I would've like to not have eaten the cookies and fries, but life is just that way. I will do this again and I will do better next time. It will have to be after this crazy rotation, I need more calories to get through these workouts.
Shakeology Recipes:
Funky Monkey:
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
8 oz almond milk
1/2 banana
1 tbsp peanut butter
Blend in a blender and enjoy!
Thin Mint:
1 scoop Chocolat Shakeology
8 oz almond milk
a FEW drops of peppermint extract
Blend and enjoy!
1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
6 oz organic lemonade
2 oz rice milk
1/2 banana
Blend all ingredients in blender and enjoy!
German Chocolate
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
2 tsp almond butter
1 tsp coconut oil
8 oz almond milk
Blend and enjoy!
If you are interested in learning more about Shakeology, please visit: Shakeitforyourhealth.com
Purchase Shakeology now! As a Beachbody coach, I can help you achieve your health goals!