Sunday, May 30, 2010

lake fun

We are having a blast at the lake this weekend. The first day was just Brian and I and we relaxed had some amazing Pom Wonderful margaritas and saw a beautiful sunset!

The kids came down yesterday and we had a wonderful day.  Friends, family and fun!  Boating, swimming, eating and relaxing!

Today is another day of relaxation.   Chase Meredith and Madelyn are here and we are just taking it easy.  Got a great family dinner planned tonight.  Watermelon margaritas are coming up and then kebobs (veggie for me!) with green beans and new potatoes and salad!  Doesn't get much better than that!  More photos to follow!

It will be hard to go home to reality tomorrow!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Beachbody Coaching

I have had a few people ask me recently about Beachbody coaching, what is required and what you do as a coach!  So, I wanted to be sure to answer your questions!

TOP TEN FAQ’s of Beachbody Coaching

1.What is a coach?

Beachbody refers to their reps as “coaches”. They call them coaches because they are more than just “distributors” or “reps”. Yes, they have the ability to sell and suggest fitness products and workouts, but they also have a vested interest to “coach” the people they are in contact with into a better and healthier way of life. Look at it this way…I’ve thought of myself as a coach for many years while working in the fitness industry or just by working out in the gym and offering advice to my neighbor. Now I can make it official and start earning money to do what I’ve been doing passionately for all those years.
2.Who can be a coach?

ANYONE! You do not need to be invited; you can make this decision yourself and sign up today! We strongly encourage those to join in the coaching business who have a strong desire to reach their deepest goals. This is a home based business working as the “go-to” person, for helping people get fit! You do not need to have certifications, degrees, or years of experience working in the fitness industry to do this. All you need to do, is to continue to be an example yourself and share your successes with others! You can be a fitness professional, in the best shape of your life, or working your way to the best shape of your life….as long as you are committed and dedicated to staying accountable, you can help others become accountable in their goals too!

3.What do I “do” everyday as a coach?

Depending on where you want to take your business or the direction of your goals, this answer can be different for everyone. But primarily the common answer is to – Share your Story! As a coach, you have the ability to sell any Beachbody item from their nutritionals all the way to their workout videos. Just start telling your story and letting people know of your new business venture. The word will spread! You may also spend your time getting in touch with your network and circle around you. You will have the greatest gains in your business if you build your team of coaches.

4.What are the fees to join?

Beachbody really wants to make this as affordable as possible, so that we can make a HUGE difference in our direction to change one person at a time in becoming more fit and healthy!

Initial Join in Cost: $39.95

 This includes your Business Kit which will be shipped to you (s/h extra)
and your FIRST month’s fee of your personal Coaching Webpage.

Monthly Webpage Fee: $14.95
Your webpage will serve for multiple purposes. Beachbody automatically updates and maintains your webpage! They build it for you! All you need to do is personalize it with your photo and bio! Your page will be used for:

• Your customers to make purchases from your virtual store!
• Those interested in getting into the CLUB MEMBERSHIP so they can receive 10% discount on any item they buy
• Signing up your coaches!
• COACHING BACKOFFICE- this is your business center for your coaching business. You will securely access this to build, maintain, and watch your business grow from your down line coaches to your weekly pay checks.

Club Membership: $38.87(4 times a year total- billed quarterly)

• As a club member, you will have access to additional fitness and nutritional programs available to you on your webpage. BUT the #1 reason to be a part of this is Beachbody’s LEAD GENERATION PROGRAM!

• As an active Emerald coach, you will be GIVEN FREE CUSTOMERS from Beachbody! Beachbody spends over 100 million dollars each year in advertising. When those customers contact Beachbody to purchase something or to get more involved, Beachbody assigns those contacts to ACTIVE EMERALD (or higher) coaches!

5. Beachbody actually GIVES me customers?

YES! Just reach the basic level of EMERALD and maintain an active status, and you will receive customers in your database possibly everyday! Beachbody receives about 20-30,000 customer leads a week! Those come in and get assigned to the next active emerald coach (or higher) in line. You will earn commissions from these customers REPEAT business! You will also earn BONUS Commissions off of their CLUB MEMBERSHIP dues! (billed and paid quarterly) Just for being ACTIVE!

6. How do I earn income as a Beachbody coach?

There are several very detailed ways of earning income and the many ways to really make a significant income. But in general, here are the basics:

Any sales to customers of products from your website or directly from yourself- 25% commission.
 Customers who join the CLUB MEMBERSHIP- you earn 50% of their quarterly membership dues. Personally sponsored coaches who are in the CLUB MEMBERSHIP earn you 50% commission. ADDTIONALLY- Your Downline TEAM CYCLE BONUSES can pay out when you bank a certain amount of points.
 Customers in the Club Membership- you receive 15% commission on any of their purchases.

As a Beachbody Coach, you get a 25% discount on any item you personally want to purchase as well!

7. Do I have to stock inventory?

No, you do not. This is a virtual business operated via a webstore that is provided to you by Beachbody. However, you can purchase items in greater amounts and sell them at your leisure or as drop shipments.

8. Can I be a Coach if I’m not in the US?

At this time, only USA, USA Territories and Military locations can sign up as a coach. Beachbody is currently in the process of registering with Canadian authorities. We hope this proces will be complete by the end of 2009. We believe Canada will be the first international location, but Beachbody has plans to extend the opportunity to numerous other countries.

9. How can I fit this in my daily life? I’m already way too busy!

If you are involved in fitness already, this will be MUCH easier for you! This will be natural and follow what you normally do already! Opportunity always presents itself, now you’ll just have a way of earning commissions on the programs you’ve already been suggesting. The extent to which you develop your “downline” is up to each individual. You can be very aggressive to create a long downline of coaches and retail sales. As someone involved in fitness, you’ll find yourself having the same conversations you would naturally when people ask you the many questions they often do about “getting fit” and losing weight.

10. Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. You can cancel in your first 30 days, and be completely refunded the first months fees. Thereafter, you can cancel at anytime and only be out, the amount of time you were in the business. However, if you decide you want to rejoin, you will lose your seniority position and level you were once in the company as well as have to wait a 6 month period from cancellation before you can re-join.

Please contact me for more information, or simply click here if you are ready to be a Coach.  It should show up that Iwill be your sponsor:  dmoritz! 

Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.

Discussion:  Do you have plans for this Memorial Day Weekend?  We are at the lake at enjoying every minute of the sunshine!  Kids are coming today and I know it will be an even better day today!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Yoga for Dummies, 2nd Edition

Oh my goodness, my computer is down.  I feel so lost and a bit lonely without it!  I think that means I truly am addicted!!

Luckily, Brian is letting me use his computer when he isn't using it.  He's a realtor and is quite busy these days, which is a good thing, but it means I don't get to use it much.

I am loving yoga these days.  It is so calming to me as well as a great workout.  My favorite is the Fountain of Youth One on One with Tony Horton.  I like that it is about 45 mins and it works the whole body!

If you are new to yoga, you should check out Yoga for Dummies, 2nd Edition by Georg Feuerstein, PhD and Larry Payne PhD!  This book was sent to me for review and it is a great tool.  It teaches you many poses and will even help you create your own personal yoga program. 

There is a great section on pre and post natal yoga, yoga for kids and teens and yoga for seniors.  This book covers it all! 

I really liked the yogic art of conscious eating!  I have read a little on this way of eating. 

Calm and centered
keep your attention on eating
eat slowly and chew your food well
pay attention to the taste sensations
be grateful for your food

I think it is a wonderful way to eat!

Be sure to pick up a copy of the book today!  Start your own yoga practice and you will notice all kinds of great results.  Not just in your physical fitness, but your mental fitness too!

Yoga for Dummies, 2nd Edition has great photos of the poses and gives detailed descriptions on how to do them safely!

From the Publisher:

Practiced for more than 5,000 years, it's an efficient system of healthcare that has proven its usefulness in both restoring and maintaining health. And better yet, anyone can do it—and for minimal cost! Many Yoga classes are inexpensive, and you can even do it for free in your own living room! Yoga for Dummies, 2nd Edition (Wiley Publishing, Inc., April 2010, 978-0-470-50202-0, $19.99) is your all-in-one guide for getting in shape, reducing stress, and improving your overall physical and mental well-being.

Other valuable lessons include:

Ten reasons why you should be practicing Yoga (It's not just for the great abs!)

Debunking Yoga myths

What you need to know to get started

Specialized instructions for all ages and needs: adults of all ages, kids and teens, and pregnant women, too!

How to find the Yoga class that's right for you

Tips on meditation

How Yoga can improve your overall health

Helpful tips for finding the keys to a more successful Yoga experience

Once you've gotten acquainted with Yoga, you'll be better equipped to deal with the stresses of life in 2010—and more confident in that sleek new bikini!

About the Authors:

Georg Feuerstein, PhD, offers distance-learning courses on Yoga philosophy and history through Traditional Yoga Studies. Larry Payne, PhD, is founding director of the Yoga Therapy Rx curriculum at Loyola Marymount University and was named one of America's most respected Yoga teachers by the Los Angeles Times.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Need a little extra energy? Try Pomology

I don't know about you, but I seem to be dragging lately.  I do think all this sun is helping me, thank goodness, but I have been a little tired lately.  I was really excited when Pomology sent me their energy drink to try.  At this point, I could use a little energy boost.  We had rain for 9 days straight and I am a solar powered gal!

Pomology Energy Drink  is a powder that you mix with water or put in your smoothies.  I first mixed it with water and just shook it, it tastes good, a little sweet, but good sweet, not overpowering.  But, it was a little powdery.  When I added it to my smoothie, I liked it better.  The flavor was subtle and the powdery taste wasn't there.

Pomology is a blend of pomegrante and green tea. These antioxidants help to promote overall good health and increase energy levels. It also contains rhodiola rosea, guarana and cocoa.  I didn't get any jittery feeling that comes with some energy drinks.  I don't do well with caffeine usually and I didn't have any problems with Pomology.

Overall, I liked the drink and will continue to use it.  It did give me a boost of energy on those rainy days and it was great if I used it before my workouts!

This is some of the information from Pomology:

The pomegranate is a superfruit because it:

- Has an ORAC rating (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of 10,500 units

- Has an outstanding ability to neutralize damaging free radicals, beating out that of the blueberry, acai berry, and others.

- Is a rch source of potent antioxidants known as polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins

- Is one of the oldest known fruits, believed to have originated in the Middle East. In Ancient Persia, pomegranate was used to treat a variety of health problems

- Pomegranate extract is safe, no toxic effects have been reported following high doses in laboratory studies
Energy Drink Mix (Pomegranate/Green Tea Flavor):

- Purposefully, pomegranate and green tea extract are blended together, known to create an invigorating mental and physical energy boost
- Formula consists of maca, a superfood of the Andes, anti-oxidant strong cocoa, Siberian, American, and White Panax ginseng, metabolic enhancer DMG-HCI.
- Whole food extract includes pomegranate, acai berries, black cherries, blueberries, mangosteen, and high ORAC blend of cinnamon and green coffee bean extract

Follow Pomology on Twitter and Facebook!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fit Club Monday - Turbo Fire

Fit Club Monday is here again!  I had a great weekend and now I am ready to get back to my workout routine.  I do workout on the weekends, but it is not the same as my weekly workouts.  I may walk with hubby, do a DVD, or yoga.   I do get a lot more cleaning and working in the yard done on the weekends as well, and yes, that counts too! And, 1 day of the weekend is a rest day.  No formal workout at all.  I really believe that our bodies need a rest day every week.  I know that I ask a lot of my body throughout the week, so one day off is a good thing.  It allows the body to recover and repair.

We had a blast at the lake!  The kids came down with Madelyn and she had her first boat ride.  She wasn't very impressed either!  but she looked adorable in her bathing suit!

This week's featured Fit Club Monday workout:

Turbo Fire!

Turbo Fire will be available sometime in June, but One on One subscribers got a sneak peek video.  15 mins of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).  I have done this workout twice now and I can not wait for the full product to come out!  If you want to know when this is available, be sure to sign up here for the email notification!  Beachbody will send you an email when you can log on and purchase it!

Fit Club Monday Recipe:

I am so addicted to grilled hummus and vegan cheese sandwiches right now!

So easy to make and soooo yummy!

2 slices of whole wheat bread ( Make sure it is 100% w w)
 hummus ( I LOVE Sabra hummus or you can make your own)
vegan cheese ( or regular cheese if you eat dairy products)  ( I love the new Daiya cheese!!!)
Earth balance ( soy butter alternative)

in a skillet over med heat, melt earth balance (about 1 tbsp), spread hummus on both slices of bread, sprinkle vegan cheese on top, put bread together and place in pan to cook just like a grilled cheese.Brown to your liking and enjoy!


add a slice of tofurkey, lightlife soy pepperoni or grilled veggies!  YUMMY!!!

How did everyone do with your Friday Challenge?  I got mine done:


Friday, May 21, 2010

Organize much?

It's Friday!  We are planning a great weekend at the lake!  It is supposed to be sunny and 90 tomorrow, perfect lake weather.  Boating, swimming and good food on the horizon!  CAN NOT WAIT!!!

I am so solar powered!  I need my sunshine, we haven't seen it in a while around here.  It has rained for 7 days straight.  I am ready for the sun!

I'm also going to read this weekend.  Reading is one of my favorite things to do.  I love to read.  Any kind of books will do thank you!  Do you have a favorite book to recommend?   This weekend will be all kinds of books.  I got a Chelsea Handler book for fun, Yoga for Dummies to review and a new cookbook - Vegan Yum Yum!  I'll let you know what I think about them all!

Friday Challenge:

Today is about organization! The dreaded sock and underwear drawer.  Mine are so unorganized and crazy.  I can't find my favorite socks, or the best underwear in the drawers.   So, we are going to clean it up, throw away the old, bad and ugly and make it easy to find what we need.  Go through the drawers and get rid of anything that has holes, tears or just doesn't fit anymore.  Then when the bad is out - you can see if you need to make a purchase this weekend of new undies or socks. 

Here is a photo of my before organizing: 

I'll post the afters tomorrow!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

to do or not to do!

I am pretty good about keeping my to-do list.  I highly recommend it if you want to accomplish a lot in your day and stay focused.  However, I am a people pleaser person.  I like to make others happy, sometimes at the cost of my own happiness.  So, I am trying to learn to say no occasionally.  I think a not to do list is a great idea! 

In my days of never saying no, I would often over schedule, be rushing around trying to get everything done for everyone else.  I was running kids around, volunteering, cooking, baking, making - whatever needed to be done and I was exhausted.  Brian pointed all this out to me and I began to try to say no.  This is not easy for me.  Seriously. 

But, since I started saying no or not-to-do, I am a happier person, the kids were seeing me more and we started having fun again!  I can't do it all, so why am I beating myself up over it? 

Our bodies need rest, recovery, down time, whatever you want to call it.  Our minds need a break from all the hustle and bustle.  I think I really did best when I took a day off from the tv, internet and just existed with the family.  What?  No email?  No facebook?  I thought I would go crazy the first couple of times I did this, but then it was so nice.  Then I got out of the habit. I may have to get back into it.  I want to live MY life, not watch it go by!

So, get out those journals, make your to-do list and make your not-to-do list as well.  Take a complete day of rest.  Enjoy the time with family and friends.  Take a break and give yourself a break! I think  you will be more productive for it!

Discussion:  are you a people pleaser too?  Have you found yourself in this situation?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jake's big day!

Jake, my youngest son graduated from firefighter school last night.  We are so proud of him.  We went to the graduation ceremony and then the whole family went out to dinner.  I filmed the whole ceremony for the grandparents to watch later.  I was so worried that the battery on the flip would go out right before he got his diploma, but luck was on our side :)  The battery light was flashing, but it made it through the entire ceremony!  He will go in on Monday to see about a job.  That will be nice.  He is unsure if he will go to EMT school or not, but we are encouraging him!!
I let Brian be in charge of the photos during the ceremony.  I was using the flip.  I guess he needs a lesson with the camera.

We went to dinner and had a wonderful time.  We went to Chatter's, there is something there for everyone to eat, even me (I'm the picky one!!)

Congrats Jake, we knew you could do it and are so very proud of you and love you so much!

Please let me know if you have any Reader's Requests.  I'll be addressing them next week!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

From Fat to Fit

I have just finished reading the book From Fat to Fit by Carole Carson.  Let me tell you, this is an inspiring story!  I love the warning on the book!  WARNING:  rading this book may dramatically improve your lifestyle!  Possible side effects:  A sudden impulse to get in shape and make friends.
The book starts out with Carole's story on deciding to get fit by her 60th birthday.  She decides to contact her local newspaper and offer a story, this turns into a weekly story and putting her weight and measurements out there for everyone to know and see!  Talk about pressure.  The whole town is watching what she does!!  She has great success and meets and surpasses her goals and decides to continue her journey and this leads to highlighting others on their own journeys. 

As she starts thinking about taking this journey to include the whole town.  She is on fire and inspiring others to get healthy and fit as well!

In 2004, Carole pioneered the concept of community weight-loss programs by creating the Nevada County Meltdown, an eight-week program during which over a thousand people lost nearly four tons of surplus weight. She says there’s never been a better time to help communities get FIT:

F = Focus on fun. Creating the event needs to be as much fun for organizers as it is for participants. Contributing to others will help organizers stay in touch with their vision, and the experience will lift the spirits of participants.

I = Innovate and improvise. Every community and every individual is unique: one size will not fit all. To achieve maximum impact, each program must be relevant, timely and tailored to the community, and the content must meet the particular needs of the individuals.

T = Team up. Encourage everyone to participate: medical experts, media, fitness clubs, food markets, hospital personnel, employers, government officials, educators, religious leaders, employees and family members. The goal is promoting community-wide fitness for every individual.

Since Carole’s pioneering effort, over 300 community weight-loss events have occurred across the United States. Marge Delozier, for example, organized a spring 2010 community weight-loss program in Lewiston, Pennsylvania, now in its third week. Marge says, “This has been a great exercise in pulling talents from the whole community. We are all so excited. If anyone is thinking about creating an event, just do it!”

Seriously, this book will make you want to get started on your own journey.  One of the things that really stood out to me was this is not easy for anyone.  It is hard work, but it is so worth it.  Reduced illness and sickness, reduced dependency on medications and excuses.  Feel better, look better, and sleep better!

I don't want to give away too much from the book, you will want to read it.  Be inspired to be healthy for yourself and inspire others to be healthy!

First if it necessary to stand on your own two feet.  But the minute a man finds himself in taht position, the next thing he should do is reach out his arms.  - Kristin Hunter

Amazing things happen when we all help each other!

There is also Fat to Fit Meltdown Manual  Create Weaponsof Mass Reduction in Your Community by Carole Carson

This is everything you need to get your community started on their own journey and how to become the catalyst for fitness in your community!

This manual give you all the tips and steps to get your community healthier. 

There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them.  - Charles D. Gill

Be sure to check out Carole's website - FromFat2Fit.  Follow Carole on Twitter

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fit Club Monday - Rev Abs!

It's Monday again and that means Fit Club!  Today's workout is Rev Abs!  I got to meet and workout with Brett Hoebel (how cute is he????)  at the Coaches Summit a few weeks ago.  He was so nice and this workout is not going to mess around!  You will get results! 

RevAbs™ - Your 90-Day Ab Solution

Rev it up with RevAbs™. This brand-new ab system is specifically designed to burn off the fat and give you a six-pack in just 90 days. Trainer Brett Hoebel teaches you to work your abs from six different angles, and to engage your abdominal muscles throughout your entire workout.

Reveal Your Six-Pack

With Brett Hoebel's proven Abcentrics™ training technique, you'll learn to work your abs from six different angles, and to engage your abdominal muscles throughout your entire workout so every move counts. You'll build a lean, strong physique with a variety of lively exercises, including the acrobatic martial art known as Capoeira.

Here's what you get:

9 Workouts on 7 DVDs:

Abcentrics and How To Capoeira. Rev up your results by firing your abs throughout every workout, and learn Capoeira moves for full-body fat burning. (Approx. 35 min.)

Fire Up Your Abs. Calorie-scorching cardio combined with Brett's Six-Pack, the ab circuit that works your core from 6 different angles. (Approx. 40 min.)

Power Intervals. High-intensity cardio with intervals of lower-body resistance moves designed to rev up your metabolism, melt belly fat, sculpt lean legs, firm the glutes, and work your abs—all at the same time. (Approx. 30 min.)

Total Strength. Works all your muscles to build a lean, hard body and get rid of ab flab. (Approx. 45 min.)

Mercy Abs. The mightiest little ab workout you'll ever experience. (Approx. 15 min.)

Fat-Burning Abs. A fired-up routine of new ab and cardio combinations that burn fat fast. (Approx. 40 min.)

Power Intervals 2. Even more revved-up cardio and lower-body resistance moves to firm your booty and torch belly fat. (Approx. 30 min.)

Strength & Endurance. Build definition in your abs and everywhere else for a rock-hard body to match your rock-hard core. (Approx. 30 min.)

Merciless Abs. A fast and efficient shredding routine that makes your abs pop. (Approx. 15 min.)

You also get these tools:

RevGuide, filled with Brett's personal training tips and motivational secrets

Nutrition Guide, developed by a nutritionist with complete, customizable meal plans to fuel your body while losing fat

RevAbs Wall Calendar, which lets you know exactly what to do throughout the program, and helps you stay motivated by tracking your progress

Plus, get these 4 FREE bonus gifts to keep you motivated:

Rev It Up Cardio, an extra workout DVD with more fat-burning Capoeira moves

Anytime, Anywhere Abs, a guide to working your abdominals when you're away from home

Professional Fat Caliper, to measure your body fat before and after your RevAbs transformation

Plus FREE Online Support, to get 24-hour access to the RevAbs Web site, where you can chat with Brett and other fitness experts, and meet other RevAbs customers.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

*Try this program with the RevAbs 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your results within 30 days, simply call Customer Service to return the program for the full purchase price, less s&h—no questions asked.

Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.


Snickers Shakeology

1 scoop chocolate shakeology
8 oz almond milk ( you can use whatever type of milk you like)
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tbsp caramel ( the calorie count is based on Smucker's Caramel sauce)

Place all items in the blender and mix. Pour into a large glass and enjoy!

Calories: 390, Serves 1

Better alternative Caramel Sauce:

Caramel Sauce by Christina Pirello - Christina Cooks Everything you Always Wanted to Know about Whole Foods, but were afraid to ask!

1/2 cup soymilk
1/2 cup brown rice syrup
1/2 cup barley malt
juice of 1/4 fresh lemon

Place the soymilk, rice syrup and barley malt in a small saucepan over med heat. Bring to a boil, reduce theheat to low and cookuntil the syrup has reduced and thickened, about 15 mins. Remove from the heat and whisk in lemon juice. Set aside.

Don't have Shakeology? Ask me for a sample! I'll share!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad and random thoughts

Good Morning! 

Today is my Daddy's birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! Hugs and Kisses to you!  Love you bunches!

Today is my rest day from exercise and I need it.  I'm worn out.  I've been doing doubles this last week.  Brazil Butt Lift in the mornings and P90X in the evenings!  So, I am glad for my rest day!!!  Yesterday we did the sneak peek workout from Turbo Fire!  I can not wait for this one to come out!  HIIT (High Intentisty Interval Training) with Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo Jam.  It was 15 mins long and I burned almost 200 calories.  It was a lot of jumping (plyo), but I loved it.  It was hard!  I am going to order this one as soon as it is available!

We are going to work a little on the house today, but for the most part we are just going to enjoy our Sunday!  It has been raining and storming here for atleast 5 days in a row.  I'm so ready to see the sunshine!

Oh, and I got the most adorable new kicks yesterday!  I needed a new pair of workout shoes and Brian needed new shoes as well.  Academy to the rescue!  $35!!  I love a good sale!

We had dinner with friends last night.  It was a fun time and we had some amazing food! Scalloped potatoes, calico beans and strawberry bread!  YUM!

My bodybugg band broke in LA at summit.  I've been superglueing it back together every couple of days, so I finally broke down and bought a new armband.  I am so thankful for my Bodybugg coach, Rhiannon Decker!  She is wonderful and a good friend!  If you plan to get a bodybugg, please request her to be your coach.  She will help you get the most of your product and just inspire you to stay on track!  If you already have a bodybugg and want an amazing coach, just let me know and I will get you her email address so you can request the transfer!  Seriously guys, she is so good!

I have been using the Mari Winsor Pilates new workout called the Winsor Slimming Pilates in conjuction with my other workouts. 

I love pilates and unfortunately Beacbody doesn't offer a good pilates, so I go to the best in the biz for it!    Thank you Mari Winsor!!!  She has created good workouts (that are short and get the job done) and incorporated the Accelerator!  This really helps to hit those trouble spots!  It is like using the reformer in the studios.  I love it!

The new workout is really good.  I think my favorite is the Pilates of the Fit and Famous.  It is 4  - 10 minute workouts.  Cardio Pilates, Total Body, Lower Body and Abs.  Mix and match to work on your problem areas (abs and lower body for me!)  This one is worth checking out!

I have a busy week coming up, some more, good product reviews and I can't wait to share them with you!  Have a great Spirit Sunday!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to measure your transformation

I am meeting myself coming and going today.  This is a great video to figure out how to do your before and after measurements.  I feel this is important and will give you as good a judge on your overall journey as weight loss by itself.  You could be losing inches before you see weight loss!  Let me know if you have any questions!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

do you journal?

Whoo-Hoo!!  It's Friday!  Do you get excited for the weekends or is Friday just another day for you?  I love the weekends because it usually means that I get to spend more time with my family!  We had planned to go to the lake, but it is going to rain all weekend, so we are going to hang out at home instead.

Friday Challenge:

I think it is so important to keep a journal.  Today's Challenge is to keep a journal of your food and water intake, your exercise, your gratitude statement and to-do list and a goals list

My journal entries look something like this:

l -
s -

Water - 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

Workout -

Gratitude Statement -

to do list -

Goals -

I have a cute notebook (this is important!!) and just write it all down everyday.  I refer back to it often to update it and to mark off the things I have accomplished on my to-do list.  My goals are right in front of my face, so I know what I need to stay focused on.  I also think that when you write it down and really put them out there, you are more apt to reach those goals!  I love writing down what I am grateful for as well.  It puts things in perspective for me.  Be sure to write down everything you eat and drink.  If you eat 2 M & M's, then write it down.  It is so good to know how much you are eating and what you are eating. If you are struggling with losing, you will see a pattern and will be able to make some changes so that you will get results! 

So, the challenge is to keep your journal - for a day, a week, a month  or every day!

Friday Follow

You know the drill by now on Friday Follow, but if you are new, this is a great way to find other interesting blogs.  It can be overwhelming, just follow as many as you can!  There's no pressure and you will make some great new friends!

Be sure to visit the sponsors of Friday Follow:  Midday Escapades, One 2 Try, and Hearts Make Families!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Body Gospel

One of the new products coming soon from Beachbody is Body Gospel.  I am so excited for this workout!  I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and check it out!

This is a workout unlike any other!  It is a Faith - Based workout!  Contemporary Christian music, Bible verses in the journal, total transformation guide, nutrition guide, training cards, goal trackers and new design of resistance bands!  I'm so excited!!  Donna Richardson Joyner is the trainer.  She was chosen by the Oprah Winfrey Show as one of the top 5 fitness video instructors.

Check out this video about Body Gospel:

If you are interested in more info on Body Gospel, let me know.    You can start a faith-based fitness group at your church and I can also tell you how you can set up a fund-raiser for your chuch, at no cost to the church at all!!!  Even more excitement!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

aspartame poisioning?

Yesterday we talked about agave nectar and how much I love it!  I know that it is still sugar, but I feel that it is a much better form and is a healthier option.

Several years ago (maybe 2??? I tend to lose track of time pretty easily), Brian was feeling so bad.  He has been very hard on his body and he always has some type of joint pain due to his car accident when he was 16.  However, this was different.  Brian also had a major gallbladder attack many moons ago and had to have surgery to have it removed.  When he was in surgery, the dr's found the stones had gotten into the pancreatic duct.  When they removed them, it caused Brian to go into hemoragghic pancreatitis.  This resulted in a VERY long hospital stay and he was fighting for his life again.  Luckily for us, he won that battle, but became a diabetic due to all the damage to his pancreas.  So, he started drinking Diet Coke.  He was a Coke drinker before his surgery and due to his diabetes he switched to diet.  This was a long time ago (1996) and way before I was aware of all the bad habits we both had. 

Now, Brian didn't just drink Diet Coke, he DRANK diet coke.  A LOT of it! He would have 3-5 20 ounce bottles daily.  No water, just coke.  He might have some tea, but he added nutrasweet to it as well.  Then of course, he was eating the "diet" food that had the artificial sweeteners.  He has a HUGE sweet tooth!

So, he was ingesting a large amount of aspartame.  Many years of this way of eating had gone on and his joint pain and stomach pains were increasing all the time.  He felt horrible.  As the years passed, I was educating myself on healthy eating habits and everything I was reading was leading me to believe that Brian needed to get off the aspartame.  I would tell Brian about it and he listened, but wasn't willing to give up his precious diet cokes.  So, the pains increased and he finally had enough.  About 2 years ago I was once again telling him to get off the aspartame and he was in enough pain and taking painkillers that he decided to give it a try.  I convinced him to give up all forms of aspartame for 2 weeks.  I thought this would enough time to get it out of his system.  I really didn't know how long it would take, but wanted to make sure it was enough time.

There was a LOT of complaining, some caffeine withdrawal headaches, but after 3 or 4 days - his joint pain was completely gone!  We were both amazed and surprised.  We talked to his doctor and she told us that she is positive that he had aspartame poisioning.  She also told me that a lot of people are mis-diagonised with fibromyagia and MS because a lot of the dr's are not aware of aspartame poisioning.  This was so eye-opening to me.  I had to research it some more. 

I found that there are over 92 side effects of aspartame consumption!  92!!!!  It can effect the eyes, ears, neurological system, cause psychotic issues, chest pains and high blood pressure, gastro problems, skin allergies, depression and so many other issues. 

So I highly encourage you to give up all artificial sweeteners.  If you need a healthy sub, try stevia, agave nectar, sucanat or rapadura, brown rice syrup.  There are many ways to incorporate healthy alternatives into your diet without using artificial products.

Brian still craves a diet coke every now and then.  He will have one occasionally and I wish that I could say that he doesn't like the taste, but he does.  To me they have a chemical taste.  I know that he won't go back to drinking them all the time, but he does have one every couple of months.  I'm working on him :)

If you have a similar story, I'd love to hear it!  Please share!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wholesome Sweeteners

I quit using white sugar in 2003.  Are you seeing a trend for me in 03?  I found out just how bad white sugar is for you.  So, in order to continue eating good food, I started using Sucanat and honey and agave nectar.  Recently, Wholesome Sweeteners sent me some of their flavored agave nectars.  These are so tasty!  Brian and I love to sweeten tea and oatmeal with agave.  These give just a hint of flavor to them.  I love the vanilla, cinnamon and maple flavors.  Strawberry is good too!

Cinnamon is good in coffee, hot chocolate, tea, waffles and toast.

Maple is yummy in oatmeal and on pancakes and I want to try making granola with it too.

Strawberry would be good on a dairy free cheesecake and in lemonade and salad dressing.

Vanilla in great in tea and other beverages.  I would also think it would be good in banana bread.

All of the Wholesome Sweeteners Blue Agave products are organic, GMO-free, gluten free and kosher.  No high fructose corn syrup either!

There has been quite a stir lately with the agave nectar.  As with all products, it should be used in moderation, but I think it is a good sweetener. 

Agave is 25% sweeter than sugar, so a little goes a long way.  This is much healthier choice than artificial sweeteners.  I will have to do a post on how Brian got aspartame poisioning.  It is bad stuff, please don't use it!

Mango-Pineapple Mojito Sorbet


Mango-Pineapple Sorbet

3/4 lb. fresh, or frozen mango, in bite-size chunks

11/2 cups pineapple juice

11/2 cups Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Blue Agave syrup

1/4 cup lemon juice

Mojito mix:

about 40 mint leaves

2 Tablespoons Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Blue Agave syrup

1/4 cup lime juice

1/2 cup Rum, or to taste

Directions :

Freezer Method.

Place an 8 or 9 inch square metal pan and a metal spoon in the freezer and freeze until well chilled, about 30 minutes.

Puree the mango and pineapple juice in a blender till smooth. Pour in the agave syrup and lemon juice and mix just till incorporated. Transfer to the metal pan, spread evenly and return to freezer. Leave the spoon in the pan.

Freeze until the edges of the puree are firming and icy, about one hour. Use the spoon to break up the icy areas and stir them into the center of the puree. Repeat the freezing and stirring procedure every thirty minutes until the mixture is frozen, about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.

For the mojito muddle:

Place the mint leaves , and one tablespoon each of the agave syrup and lime juice in a glass and crush or “muddle” them with the blunt end of a wooden spoon till the mint is broken up and releases its’ juices. Stir in the remaining agave syrup, lime juice and rum. Adjust to taste.

To serve , scoop the sorbet into decorative glasses, such as martini glasses and divide the mojito muddle evenly over each.
Serves about 6
Source : Mani Niall

Check out the Sugar Club and enter your recipe using the new flavored agave nectar's for a chance to win!!!

Follow Wholesome Sweeteners on Facebook and Twitter!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fit Club Monday!

I love Monday's!!  Fit Club Monday's are fun!  Workouts, Shakeology tasting and info on all kinds of Beachbody Products!

Today's Featured workout is Tony Horton's One on One.  This is a great workout delivered to your door every month and this month includes a sneak peek workout - Turbo Fire!  Purchase Now

Today's recipe comes from Health magazine.

Berry-Lime Liquado
Are the berries in your fridge looking sad?  Buzz them up in the blender for a refreshing Mexican-style agua fresca.

Puree 1 1/2 cups strawberries and 1 1/2 cups blueberries in a blender.  Place in a fine mesh sieve over a bowl and strain juice into bowl;  discard seeds and pulp.

Rinse blender, pour in juice and blend with 1 cup ice, 1 cup water, 2 tbsp lime juice and 2 tbsp agave nectar or sugar.

Serve over ice and garnish with mint.

I'm always looking for suggestions for workout songs.  Feel free to leave me a comment with your favorite workout song and I'll use it and also link to your blog page just for fun!

Push Play today!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the great mom's out there!  I am at the lake for the weekend, the kids were all here yesterday for a big family birthday party and Chase, Meredith and Madelyn stayed over to spend the day with us today as well. I love it when we are all together. We may not be the most exciting group, but we have a good time whenever we are all together.

We celebrated last night with a fire down by the water and had some s'mores!  It was sticky, yummy and gooey! 

We will all get together tonight for dinner when we get home and it will be the perfect ending to the weeekend.

I am so blessed to have the best Mom in the world!  I don't get to see Mom as much as I would like, but we make the most of our time when we do get together!  I love you Mom!!!

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!  I hope you enjoy your special day with your loved ones!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

are you kidding?

I was watching the news yesterday morning.  This is nothing new, Brian loves to sit in the mornings, have his coffee and watch Fox news.  He will also read the paper, but he enjoys his morning news.  I don't usually pay that much attention, but I was completely outraged yesterday.

The story was about the new infant and toddler formula - chocolate flavored.  Yes, I said chocolate flavored formula for babies.  My mouth fell open and then out it came - are they kidding?  What are they thinking?  Of course, they aren't thinking.  What about the childhood obesity rates we already have?  Brian just looked at me like I had lost my mind.  I may have....

I still can't believe that someone thinks this is necessary.  The proponents said that toddlers can be picky and they may not eat, therefore this will help them to get the nutrients they need.  I feel that this taking the easy way out.  There are so many ways to get kids to eat fruits and veggies.  Mostly by introducing them at an early age and continuing to do so.  I have read that children have to try foods 4-5 times before they decide they like it.  I think it is our job as parents to introduce our children to eating healthy foods. After all, we want our kids to be healthy and happy!

So, I had to do a little research on this ridiculous formula.

I found out that they are also offering a vanilla flavored option.  I found out that each serving (7 oz) contains 19 grams of sugar. 

Los Angeles Times Article

I can not believe that anyone thinks that giving an infant that much sugar that early in life is a good idea.  Babies and toddlers certainly do not have a taste for sugar unless you give it to them.  They don't know what they are missing and they don't need it.

I truly believe that babies do not need animal products to thrive.  Dairy products are not necessary to anyone and they really don't do your body any good, in my opinion.

Ok, I'm going to get off my soapbox for now!  Brian told me to quit yelling at him over this, I guess I am a little opinionated on this subject!

What are your thoughts?  I'm open to hearing all sides!!  I think I need to go on a media diet.  No more news or papers for me!

Off topic:  today's workout song of the day really ages me.  I remember this song and going to the skating rink!  Fun!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Speed Clean Challenge

It's Friday again. This week has just flown by.  I got home from the summit on Monday evening and I've been playing catch up all week. But, I am just about caught up! 

Friday Challenge:

Today's challenge is going to be fun!  I am all about getting things done as quickly as possible and getting to the good stuff - FUN!  So, when I clean my house, I try to make a game out of it.  Speed cleaning is the best way to get a lot accomplished in a short period of time. Set the timer for 30 mins.  Then start cleaning and get as much done as you can in the 30 mins.  If you do this every day, your house looks good, you have time for whatever else you need to get done in your day or you can just play!

So today's challenge, set the timer for 30 mins and clean to your heart's content and then be done!  If you don't get it all done in 30 mins, don't sweat it, just get it done tomorrow.  Of course, this may not work if you have a big party at your house or company coming over, but on a daily basis, it will work.  Everything gets done.

Be sure to leave me a note and let me know what you think and how it goes for you!

Friday Follow

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Be sure to check out One 2 Try, Midday Escapades and Hearts Make Families.  They created all the Friday Follow Fun! 

This is a great way to find new blogs to read and to help get new readers to your blog!  Hope you will come out to play with us!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I just love POM pomegranate juice!  It is good by itself and good mixed with other juices or in smoothies!  Recently the wonderful people at POM sent me a few samples of their pomegranate juice!  I've been enjoying it and the family has been as well! 

Greenberry Shakeology is pretty good with POM in it too!  It makes it a nice pink color! 

POM is 100% pomegranate juice and comes in a variety of sizes!  I like the 8 oz bottles - easy to throw in a gym bag or purse, but at home the larger bottles are handy for making yummy smoothies!

POM Morning Shake:

juice from 2-3 large POM Wonderful Pomegranates* or 1 cup POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
3/4 cup vanilla soymilk or regular low-fat milk
2 ice cubes
1 large banana, peeled and broken into chunks
2 tablespoons slivered or sliced almonds
2-4 tablespoons protein powder (optional)
1 teaspoon honey or to taste


Prepare fresh pomegranate juice
In a blender combine the pomegranate juice with soymilk, ice cubes, banana, almonds, protein powder (optional), and honey to taste. Cover and blend on high speed for 30 seconds.
Pour into 2 tall glasses and serve immediately.

All of POM Wonderful Juices:

contain no added sugars, preservatives or colors
are a good source of potassium
are gluten-free
are flash pasteurized to retain both flavor and nutrients
are certified kosher

You can find POM Wonderful Juices in the refrigerated section of the produce department of your local supermarket.

Follow POM Wonderful on Facebook and Twitter