The Perfect 10 Diet is based on hormonal balance. 10 key hormones that hold the secret to losing weight and feeling great!
The Perfect 10 Diet is the culmination of more than 10 years worth or medical research and a breakthrough diet plan that The Perfect 10 Diet is NOT a low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie diet, but instead a REAL FAT, SMART CARB plan designed to balance the hormones that control health, weight and gagin in order to speed up metabolism and lose weight the smart way.
The diet is broken down into 3 phases:
Stage One - 3 weeks - follows the Paleolithic diet ( veggies, fruits, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts and seeds)
Stage Two - Flexibile - human diet ( veggies, fruits, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts and seeds and whole grains)
Stage Three - Life - modern diet with a few modifications ( veggies, fruits, poultry, seafood, beans,nuts and seeds, more whole grains. Sweets or refined carbs sparingly.
Dairy is kept to a minimum at all times. Alcohol should be in moderation only in Stage Two and Three.
A typical day on the Perfect 10 Diet, Stage One:
breakfast - full fat yogurt with sliced kiwis
optional mid-morning snack - a few chick peas
lunch - baked calamari with mixed green veggies
optional snack - celery with 2 tsp cream cheese
dinner - butternut squash soup
Typical day - Stage Two:
breakfast - 2 egg omelet with 1 slice bread
optional snack - blueberries dipped in reduced sugar dark organic chocolate
lunch - Indian mulligatawny soup (lentil, curry, coconut milk)
optional snack - fruit salad
dinner - moroccan girlled chicken with mixed veggies
Typical day - Stage Three
breakfast - 2 slices multigrains bread with macadamia butter
optional snack - 1 small latte with organic milk
lunch - mediterranean salad
optional snack - 1/2 - 1 cup herb roasted red potatoes
dinner - fish poached in champagne
Mediterranean Avocado Boats
Serves 4
Prep Time - 30 mins.
1 tbsp lime juice
2 ripe avocados, peeled and halved
1/2 tsp butter
5 medium eggs, beaten
2 green onions, minced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
4 olives, chopped
pinch salt and freshly ground black pepper
Pour the lime juice on the avocado halves, and set aside.
Melt the butter in a large skillet over low heat.
Mix together the eggs, onions, cilantro and olives and place in a large skillet with the butter.
Cook for 5 mins over med-heat, stirring often. Set aside.
Place the cooked egg mixture in the avocado halves. Add salt and pepper. Serve.
Perfect 10 Shopping Tips
1. Dont' buy low-fat or fat-free products, especially fat-free dairy.
2. Gravitate towards fruits like berries, cherries and cantaloupe which contain less sugar.
3. Love those saturated Fats! Use real eggs, whole milk, and butter instead of egg substitutes, skim milk and margarine
4. Avoid low-carb products with soy protein isolate.
5. Integrate "healthy fats" like avocados, olive oil and nuts into your diet.
6. Don't buy products with artifical sweeteners such as diet sodas.
7. Bring your reading glasses to the supermarket and read ingredients.
8. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, don't put them into your body.
9. Listen to the bumper stickers and GO ORGANIC!
10. Eat before you go grocery shopping.
I think the book has some great ideas and love that you are staying away from processed foods and dairy. I think it might be hard for me to follow since I eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but I'm willing to give it a try. Now that I have read the book, I'll be implementing it. If you are interested in my progress, let me know and I'll post about it!
You can pick up your copy of
The Perfect 10 Diet at your local bookstore, or online at amazon.com (one of my favorite online places!)