Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Fun!

In LA at the Beachbody Summit.  Having a great time.  Here's a few photos from yesterday.  It was a down day and no activities planned.  Just had fun meeting friends and making new friends!

Friday Challenge!  Let's burn those calves.  Calf Raises - 100.  You can do them with weights if you are a die-hard. You can use the stairs to really get the calves burning, or you can just stand there and lift on your toes. To do the calf-raises properly, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and raise up on your toes as high as you can.  Repeat.  You can do them all at once or spread it out throughout the day!

We have the group workout tonight.  I'll have a ton of photos for tomorrow if I get time to be online!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Travelin' time

I am going to be missing for a few days. I'm headed to Los Angeles for the Beachbody Summit!  I am so excited.  This is sooo fun.  I have been the last two years and don't plan to miss one!  We get to learn about new products coming out (Body Gospel, Turbo Fire) and workout with the trainers.  I'll be working out live with Tony Horton (P90X), Chalene Johnson (Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme), Leandro Carvalho (Brazil Butt Lift), Brett Hoebel (Rev Abs), and last but not least, Debbie Siebers ( Slim in 6).  This is going to be so much fun!!!

We will also be learning how to maximize our businesses!  Here's a peek at what Summit is like.

I will be posting photos and updates as I can.  Not sure about internet availability.

Have a good week and I'll talk soon!

Be sure to watch Kirstie Alley's Big Life on A&E Sunday!  Tony Horton will be on teaching Kirstie about P90X!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Smarter way to satisfy your sweet tooth

Yes, there are smarter ways to eat your sweets.  You can grab a candy bar and run out the door, it may satisfy your sweet tooth for a short period of time, but I have found that when you eat sugar, you crave sugar.  So, instead of getting on that sugar treadmill, reach for a healthier option instead.  You can always snack on fruit which will help with the sugar cravings or you can try one of Nature's Path new granola bars.  I know, you've heard that granola bars are not such a great choice, but if you shop smart, they are!  Nature's Path Granola bars are good!

Nature's Path has recently expanded their granola bar line and were so generous to send me some of the bars to sample.  I have to say, I could have used a few more boxes :)  These are good!  I received a box of Pumpkin Spice, Sunny Hemp and Peanut Buddy bars.  I don't eat dairy, so I requested only bars that didn't contain any dairy.  There are other flavors that sound just as wonderful!

Jake immediately opened the boxes and started checking them out. He LOVED (this is really saying a lot, he doesn't show much interest or share many opinions!) the Pumpkin Spice bars and even asked me where HE could purchase them.  I liked these a lot as well, at least the one I got to try! Pumpkin Spice Bars include pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and cinnamon!

Peanut Buddy bars were a hit with everyone as well.  Meredith thought that they were tasty and filling.  She likes to have a snack on hand when she has to work at the pre-school since she may not have time to sit down and eat.  Worked out great for her. Peanut Buddy bars contain peanut butter and whole roasted peanuts.

Sunny Hemp was my favorite.  I really thought they tasted a little like a rice krispy treat.  However, my kids told me that they think my tastebuds must be different from theirs.  They liked them too, but didn't think they were like the treats at all.  Sunny Hemp is a blend of sunflower, hemp and flaxseed and raisins.

Nature's Path also introduced 2 new flavors:   Mmmaple Pecan and Berry Strawberry bars.  All the bars are USDA certified organic which means no artifical preservatives, additives, GMO's (genetically modified organisms) or synthetic pesticides.

The bars are 140 calories, so it is a pretty good snack option.  I love that I can throw these in my purse or gym bag and will have a healthy option.  No candy bars for me please!

Another great feature of the bars is that they are packaged in a more sustainable box, using 36% less cardboard!

Check out Nature's Path on facebook, become a fan or "like" them and you will have a chance to win in their contests!  You can also follow Nature's Path on Twitter!

Monday, April 26, 2010

muscle burns fat!

I just love Chalene Johnson!  She is so motivating and truly wants us to be healthy and happy!  If you have done her Turbo Jam videos, you know that she is so full of energy and peppy!  I know that I have mentioned it before (probably many times over), but Turbo Jam is what got me started back on my physical fitness journey.  It is so much fun, you don't even feel like you are working out, it's a blast!  I liked it so much that I even got certified to teach TurboKick ( the live version of Turbo Jam) and piyo ( a combo of pilates and yoga, it's unlike any pilates or yoga you've ever been to!)    Check out Chalene Johnson on twitter or facebook and be sure to watch her motivational videos on youtube!

Chalene came out with ChaLEAN Extreme a little over a year ago and it is another favorite!  In this workout she talks about muscle burning fat!  You will not bulk up from lifting weights, you will get lean muscle mass and look GREAT!

ChaLEAN Extreme is a 90 day program that will boost your metabolism and have you burning body fat like crazy!  15 workouts and a motivational cd by Chalene and a healthy eats and  kitchen makeover dvd.  You also get a meal plan and recipes that will help you reach your goals!

I have done 1 round of this program and will be doing it again when I finish the current program of P90X and Slim in 6.  I highly recommend this workout if you like to lift weights and want to see great results!

The meal plan is heavy on animal products.  I think it can be subbed for a vegetarian or vegan plan, but it will take some modifications.

High Fiber Breakfast Muffin

1 - 1/2 cups wheat bran fiber
1 cup low-fat buttermilk
1/3 cup canola oil
1 egg
2/3 cup brown sugar, unpacked
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
12 paper muffin liners

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line 12 muffin cups with paper muffin liners.  Mix the wheat bran and the buttermilk and allow to stand for 10 mins.  Then beat the oil, egg, sugar and vanilla and ad this to the bran mixture.  In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.  Sift the flour mix into the buttermilk mix and combine, but do not overmix.  Then fold in the walnuts.  Spoon batter into muffin tins and bake for 15 - 20 mins or until a toothpick inserted in a muffin comes out clean.  Serve 1 muffin with 1/2 cup cottage cheese or 1 egg for breakfast.

Previewing this workout tonight at Fit Club!  If you are in the area, please let me know and I'll get you info on our local Fit Club!  Try the workout, you will love it!  Muscle truly does burn fat!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carpe Diem!

Not only do I love that phrase, Carpe Diem (Sieze the Day), I love the Carpe Diem Kombucha.  I am fairly new to the Kombucha world.   Kombucha is a fermented tea that you drink for health purposes.

Kombucha was first drank in Russia, China and Japan.  Kombucha contains many different cultures and organic acids, active enzymes, amino acids and polyphenols.  Many people claim health benefits including detoxifying and energizing and some even claim cancer-curing.  I don't know about all of those claims, I do know that when I drink it, I do have more energy and I feel better!

The first couple of times I tried Kombucha, I wasn't too fond of it. It has a distinctive taste.  I think Brian described it as vinegary.  Then I had some of the best tasting Kombucha  at 105 degrees in Oklahoma City.  After that, I was on the search to find a great tasting Kombucha.  I've tried several different brands, but Carpe Diem is my top pick!

Carpe Diem Kombucha comes in 3 flavors, Classic, Quince and Cranberry.   I was so excited when my package arrived in the mail.  Evidently so was Brian because I had the bottles on the counter, went to get my camera to take a photo and when I came back into the kitchen Brian was drinking the Cranberry!  So, in the photo, you see that it isn't full :)

Carpe Diem contains only natural ingredients, no artificial sweeteners or additives.  I really liked all the flavors, but I think the Quince was my fave and Brian liked the Cranberry the best. 

I like to drink it before a workout, it just gives me an extra energy boost to get through some of those tough workouts.  I also think the Kombucha helps with bathroom issues.  If you have trouble going, try some Kombucha!

You can find Carpe Diem on amazon and in some Whole Foods Stores.  Not near me though - too bad, I'll just have to order online!  I do love shopping online!

Be sure to check out Carpe Diem on facebook,  "Like" them ( still not sure I am liking all the changes facebook continues to do). 

Discussion:  Have you tried Kombucha?  What are your thoughts?  Does it give you an energy boost?

Friday, April 23, 2010


Good Morning!  Yay for Friday!

Today's Friday Challenge is a good one!  Go meatless!  You can choose how long you go meatless for:  1 meal, 2 meals, or all day!

I eat a mostly vegetarian diet with no dairy (except for the whey protein isolate that is in my Shakeology) on a daily basis.  As soon as they come out with the vegan version of Shakeology, I'll be switching over to it and will not have ANY dairy!  (Note to Beachbody:  ANYTIME would be fine!)  When I changed my diet, I lost weight, I had a dramatic change in my health, no more headaches, no more stomach aches, and my skin cleared up.  WOW!

So, choose which option you will do - I really do encourage you to challenge yourself and not eat any meat at all today ( or if it is too late - tomorrow!)

So, what do you eat?  There are LOTS of options - fruit smoothie or shakeology for breakfast, veggie pasta salad with a nice crusty bread for lunch, beans and rice for dinner?  Soup, a big ol' salad,  I could go on and on.

There are many vegetarian cookbooks out there.  A few of my favorites:

Alicia Silverstone's Kind Diet

Dreena Burton - Eat Drink and be Vegan

Isa Chandra Moskowitz - Vegan with a Vengenance

Here is my favorite beans and rice recipe!  You can even use canned beans, just make sure to drain and rinse.

beans of your choice ( black, pinto, adzuki, or a combo of all are some of my faves)
brown rice ( or quinoa, millet, or a combo of all)

Put these in your bowl and on top:

add chopped mango, salsa, avocado,red onion, cilantro and hot pepper sauce.  I also like vegannaise on top.  YUM!  I may have to have this for lunch now.  Sounds so good!  Let me know if you try it!  I'll get a photo of it today and add it.  It's a pretty dish!

Friday Follow:

Friday Follow is a great way to meet new people, read new blogs and have a fun day!

Join in the fun and get to browsing!!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day! I'm excited for many reasons, but most of all because it is a day that we can all celebrate this beautiful planet we live on! 

What can we do to celebrate you might ask?  Good question!  I plan to pick up garbage and trash. I am still amazed that people are so trashy.  I was driving down the road yesterday and a little red car was in front of me.  The driver rolled down the window and threw out a napkin.  WHAT?  WHY?  I just don't understand why people throw their garbage out for everyone else to pick up.  Can't you wait until you get home?  What is the urgency of needing to throw it out the window?

I am also going to plant!  This year I am so excited, I am helping (well, kinda) my friends with their garden.  I will get to work it and then eat from it.  There is nothing as satisfying as eating something you have grown.  I also keep containers on my deck for tomatoes and peppers.  A couple of things I can't live without in the summer months.  However, this year I am going to try planting my tomatoes in the ground.  They just haven't produced many tomatoes the last couple of years.  I'm exicted to give this a try too!  I'll be sharing photos and updates on both gardens!

I am also going to continue recycling.  We take our newspapers to the Humane Society.  They need them to line cages.  I love that I get to help out both the environment and the animals.  I also recycle our plastic and glass bottles ( although we have switched to a brita pitcher for water)  Highly recommend the Brita Pitcher.  Recycling in our town means that you have to haul it to the recycling center.  I will be so glad when we get recycling savvy around here.

I have been making some of my own cleaning supplies as well.  I love the Gorgeously Green Books for recipes and tips.  You can also make your own beauty supplies.  This is a lot of fun and there are a couple of recipes here on the blog for you to check out.  Just click on the recipes tab at the top and scroll down.  You'll find them!  A great book for making your own beauty supplies is:  Organic Body Care Recipes.

Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle!

Discussion:  What are your plans for Earth Day and what are your tips for reducing, reusing and recycling?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Salad anyone?

I love it when the weather gets warmer. I can eat more of the foods that I love in warmer weather. There is more produce available. I can grow my own, which is even better!

I love having salads, soups and fresh fruits and veggies. Living in the midwest, it can be hard to find fresh produce year round and the stuff they ship in isn't always that good. So, we eat seasonally.

Today, I made a wonderful salad. I got the recipe off a new website that you have to be a member of. If I get permission, I'll post the recipe. It was really easy and quick and sooo tasty! It's beautiful as well!

Tomorrow is Earth Day! It's a great day to plant, to pick up trash and to recycle! What will you be doing?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Perfect 10 Diet

I was given a copy of the Perfect 10 Diet by Michael Aziz, M.D. book to review. I've been reading and the diet intrigues me.

The Perfect 10 Diet is based on hormonal balance. 10 key hormones that hold the secret to losing weight and feeling great!

The Perfect 10 Diet is the culmination of more than 10 years worth or medical research and a breakthrough diet plan that The Perfect 10 Diet is NOT a low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie diet, but instead a REAL FAT, SMART CARB plan designed to balance the hormones that control health, weight and gagin in order to speed up metabolism and lose weight the smart way.

The diet is broken down into 3 phases:

Stage One - 3 weeks - follows the Paleolithic diet ( veggies, fruits, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts and seeds)

Stage Two - Flexibile - human diet ( veggies, fruits, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts and seeds and whole grains)

Stage Three - Life - modern diet with a few modifications ( veggies, fruits, poultry, seafood, beans,nuts and seeds, more whole grains. Sweets or refined carbs sparingly.

Dairy is kept to a minimum at all times. Alcohol should be in moderation only in Stage Two and Three.

A typical day on the Perfect 10 Diet, Stage One:
breakfast - full fat yogurt with sliced kiwis
optional mid-morning snack - a few chick peas
lunch - baked calamari with mixed green veggies
optional snack - celery with 2 tsp cream cheese
dinner - butternut squash soup

Typical day - Stage Two:

breakfast - 2 egg omelet with 1 slice bread
optional snack - blueberries dipped in reduced sugar dark organic chocolate
lunch - Indian mulligatawny soup (lentil, curry, coconut milk)
optional snack - fruit salad
dinner - moroccan girlled chicken with mixed veggies

Typical day - Stage Three

breakfast - 2 slices multigrains bread with macadamia butter
optional snack - 1 small latte with organic milk
lunch - mediterranean salad
optional snack - 1/2 - 1 cup herb roasted red potatoes
dinner - fish poached in champagne

Mediterranean Avocado Boats
Serves 4

Prep Time - 30 mins.

1 tbsp lime juice
2 ripe avocados, peeled and halved
1/2 tsp butter
5 medium eggs, beaten
2 green onions, minced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
4 olives, chopped
pinch salt and freshly ground black pepper

Pour the lime juice on the avocado halves, and set aside.
Melt the butter in a large skillet over low heat.
Mix together the eggs, onions, cilantro and olives and place in a large skillet with the butter.
Cook for 5 mins over med-heat, stirring often. Set aside.
Place the cooked egg mixture in the avocado halves. Add salt and pepper. Serve.

More sample recipes can be found on The Perfect 10 Diet website.

Perfect 10 Shopping Tips

1. Dont' buy low-fat or fat-free products, especially fat-free dairy.

2. Gravitate towards fruits like berries, cherries and cantaloupe which contain less sugar.

3. Love those saturated Fats! Use real eggs, whole milk, and butter instead of egg substitutes, skim milk and margarine

4. Avoid low-carb products with soy protein isolate.

5. Integrate "healthy fats" like avocados, olive oil and nuts into your diet.

6. Don't buy products with artifical sweeteners such as diet sodas.

7. Bring your reading glasses to the supermarket and read ingredients.

8. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, don't put them into your body.

9. Listen to the bumper stickers and GO ORGANIC!

10. Eat before you go grocery shopping.

I think the book has some great ideas and love that you are staying away from processed foods and dairy. I think it might be hard for me to follow since I eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but I'm willing to give it a try. Now that I have read the book, I'll be implementing it. If you are interested in my progress, let me know and I'll post about it!

Check out The Perfect 10 Diet on facebook, twitter and their website for more information!

You can pick up your copy of The Perfect 10 Diet at your local bookstore, or online at (one of my favorite online places!)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Rockin' Monday!

It's Monday! I still love Mondays! Fresh start to the week, a new set of goals to accomplish and a clean slate! Last week is history, leave it there!

Each week I start off by setting a few goals for the week. This week I want to: move more, eat clean, workout 6 days, spend more time with my family and friends and reach my Beachbody coaching goals for the month ( I am very close to reaching them!). Do you set goals for each week?

It's Fit Club Monday and every week I highlight a workout and provide a yummy recipe for you to try!

Rockin Body Purchase Now

If you love to dance, this workout is for you! So fun and you will dance away the pounds!

Get a hot new Rockin' Body with Shaun T's high-octane dance party that will have you sweating off the pounds to all your favorite dance-floor hits!

Plus get 4 FREE gifts to keep!

Shaun T is back! The creator of the best-selling Hip Hop Abs® has created a revolutionary new program to burn the fat off your ENTIRE body!

Want a Rockin' Body?

You’ll dance and sweat to some of the hottest hits of all time like "Holiday," "I'm Coming Out," "I Love Rock N' Roll," and more!

Get Rockin’ Results with 5 Rockin' workouts!

Mark, Move & Groove

Shaun will have you dancing and sweating with his breakthrough Mark It and Move It technique. (15 minutes)

Disco Groove

Hit the dance floor and shake your groove thing in this off-the-hook workout guaranteed to burn some serious calories. (35 minutes)

Party Express
Give Shaun 25 minutes and he guarantees a workout—without sacrificing results! (25 minutes)

Shaun T's Dance Party
It's a calorie-burning dance party in your living. (45 minutes)

Rock It Out
This rock-and-roll strength routine with shape, sculpt, and tone your new lean body from head to toe while it sends your metabolism soaring. (45 minutes)

Enjoy these easy-to-use tools for maximum results

My Quickstart Guide
Just follow this simple workout calendar and you'll be on your way to your very own Rockin' Body.

Never "Diet" Again guide
This easy-to-follow plan shows you how to eat simply and healthy and is filled with Shaun’s favorite meals and recipes

24/7 Online Support
Chat live with Shaun and get to know an amazing online community that will help you succeed.
Plus 4 FREE gifts to keep just for trying Rockin' Body!

Hard-Core Abs
Give Shaun 10 minutes and you’re on your way to the rock-hard abs of your dreams. (10 minutes)

Booty Time
Get ready for crazy moves to lift your buns, slim your hips, and tighten your abs. (30 minutes)

3-Day SlimDown
See visible results in just 3 days—GUARANTEED.

Party Guide
Learn what to eat and drink at any party without breaking the calorie bank.

Shaun T's Rockin' Body Guarantee!
If you’re not satisfied with your product within 30 days, simply return it for the full purchase price, less shipping and handling, no questions asked.

Fit Club Recipe:

Click on the link for the recipe! You won't be sorry!

Peas and Thank You has some of the best recipes. You should check out this website for sure!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

St. Louis photos

I wanted to do a quick post today and show you some of my favorite photos from our recent trip to St. Louis. I've posted some of the fun, but we also went to the most beautiful Cathedral Basilica and the Botanical Gardens. It was perfect weather and I got some beautiful shots! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reader Request - Food Combining

I have had a reader request to discuss food combining. Back in 2003, I completely changed my life. Started to exercise (oh, the horror!), changed my eating habits and started reading any and all health-related books I could get my hands on. I started out following the Hallelujah Acres mostly raw food diet upon a recommendation from my massage therapist. (I had been having all kinds of health problems, mostly weekly migraine headaches) I had some VERY good results, but found it hard to stick with it during the winter months. I really wanted more cooked foods. As I was reading books, a friend suggested Marilu Henner's Total Health Makover. I devoured this book in 2 days and went out and bought the next book she wrote - The 30 Day Total Health Makeover, and started following the program. This made all the difference in my health. I own all of Marilu's books and highly recommend them all!

In the books, Marilu talks about food combining. I was intrigued, decided that it certainly wouldn't hurt to give it a try. It was very confusing at first for me, but I kept at it and soon I had the hang of it. It helped that I joined for more support and information. I am still a member there today and even helped to coach with her Body Victory program!

Food Combining basically means that you don't combine certain foods together. You don't eat your starches and animal proteins together. What? No meat and potatoes, you got it! No meat and potatoes. Fruit should be eaten alone. The fruit digests so quickly that if they are combined with other foods, they will rot and ferment. Source

Basic Food Combining Rules ( from Marilu Henner's Total Health Makeover)
1. Do not eat proteins and starches together (Your body needs acids to digest proteins and an alkaline base to digest starches.

2. Do not mix fruit with proteins, starches or any kind of vegetable.

3. Melons digest faster than any other food. These should be eaten alone, not mixed with other fruits.

4. Don't mix acid and/or sub-acid fruits with sweet fruits at the same meal.

Acid fruits include: grapefruit, pineapple, strawberries

Sub-acid fruits include: apples, grapes and peaches

Sweet fruits include: bananas, dates and raisins.

5. Eat only 4 - 6 different fruits or vegetables at one meal.

6. Fats and oils combine with everything (except fruits) but should be used in limited amounts. (They can slow down digestion.)

7. Wait between meals:

2 hours after eating fruit
3 hours after eating starches
4 hours after eating proteins

You can get a lot more info in Marilu's book. It may sound very confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy.

Reasons to food combine:

Better digestion
Increased energy
Weight loss
Feel better
Less bloating

So, this has worked for me. It may or may not work for you, but it isn't hard to try it out for a few days and see how it affects you. I think you will see results from it for sure.

Instead of eating a turkey sandwich, you could do a lettuce wrap. No meatballs with your spaghetti, but you could add veggies or mushrooms.

If you have any questions, please post them and I'll do my best to answer them. I am certainly no expert, but I do have some experience with it. I also highly recommend for tons of advice and support!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Got Squats?

It's Friday Challenge Day! yay! I'm sure you are jumping for joy!!!!

We have done push-ups, sit-ups and drank our water. So today I think we should focus on our lower body. Yep, the dreaded squat! Now, be careful here. You must do these properly or it is hard on your knees. Put all the weight in your heels and stick out your booty! Just like you are sitting in a chair.
The challenge is to do 25 slow squats. Now, when you are doing squats it can be deceiving. You may be able to do more, but you may not be able to walk tomorrow, so take it easy if you are new to doing squats. You can do more if you are used to doing squats, but I want everyone to be able to participate!

Be sure to let me know how you do.

I would love for you to check out my friend Valerie's blog. The Total Effect. She is such a cutie and has come up with the most interesting recipe challenge.

You can become a Master Shakeologist by creating the best tasting Shakeology recipe. She will even send you a sample of the Shake to create your recipe. I've got a few recipes up my sleeve to enter! The winner will be featured on her blog, facebook and twitter with the winning recipe!

Friday Follow!

Today is another Friday follow. I have to say that this is so enjoyable to participate. I am finding great new blogs to read. If you aren't participating, why not? Get signed up and start reading and following!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Discussion: What do you think is the best workout for the lower body? Squats? Lunges? Something else?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Go with your gut!

Thank you all so much for your encouraging words yesterday! I really do appreciate it. I'm doing better already! I'm going with my gut today!!! Don't you just love that? So funny!

The wonderful people at GoodBelly sent me some of their new GoodBelly ToGo! This stuff is good! I love that I can throw it in my bag and have a great tasting drink on the run! I'm all about convenience....

It comes in Mango and Blueberry Acai. Both are really tasty, but I loved the blueberry. I'm always all about blueberries!

Just tear off the top, add to 6 ounces of water and you are out the door! There are many health benefits from using Goodbelly products!

**Did you know that 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract? I didn't either, but I understand more why when my system is out of whack, I just don't feel good. Digestive disorders affect 60-70 million people in the US.

** Probiotics are in the drink, this will help you to keep your digestive system in good working order.

From the Goodbelly website
Pro·biotic means “for life”
A probiotic is a living microorganism, which, when taken in adequate amounts, has a proven, beneficial effect on your health. In other words, they’re good “bugs” that science has shown to improve your health. Essentially, probiotics work by displacing harmful microorganisms, lowering the pH in the intestines (thus creating an environment unfavorable to the growth of harmful bacteria) and stimulating the immune system.

Top 5 Ways to Restore a Healthy Microflora Balance

1. Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Particularly important are non-digestible fibers or prebiotic fibers, such as those found in whole grains, onions, bananas, garlic, leeks and artichokes. These fibers are sort of like food for the probiotics and enhance their effects.

2. Limit antibiotic use to help you keep the healthy bacteria flourishing. If you do need to use antibiotics, supplementing with probiotics following the course of treatment can help you restore balance.

3. Reduce stress. Whatever this may mean to you, altering your lifestyle to reduce stress will have a positive impact on your microflora balance. Consider taking up walking, deep breathing, or cutting down on your work hours. Do things that make you laugh really hard - at least once a day.
4. Exercise! There’s nothing like some exercise every day to keep you in good health, for all sorts of reasons. Walking, swimming, yoga, biking…. there are lots of ways to get in shape, stay healthy and have fun.

5. Consume a probiotic daily. When you’re on the path to wellness or especially when you’re off kilter, a clinically tested probiotic can help restore and maintain a healthy balance. GoodBelly contains clinically tested probiotics like Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (Lp299v), and Bifodobacterium lactis (Bi-07) which can significantly increase the number of helpful bacteria in the intestines, thus creating and then maintaining a healthy microflora balance.

Goodbelly has a 12 day challenge. Coupons will be emailed to you so you can take the challenge and see the difference for yourself! Money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose!
Discussion: Do you have digestive issues and if so, what do you do/use to "fix" them? I have found that probiotics, exercise and diet are key for me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting back on track

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had been struggling with my workouts and diet. I've let sugar back into my life, I'm not eating enough vegetables and fruit, I'm not journaling like I know I should be and I'm just not moving enough. I'm spending way too much time on the computer ( a little addicted maybe?????), I've been watching more TV and just not having a great attitude about myself.

It always amazes me how our self-talk can really impact how we act. If I have a lot of negative self-talk, I tend to let things slide that I normally wouldn't.

The reason that I am talking about all this is that someone told me that it is easy for me to stay in shape, eat healthy and be happy. It's not. Really, it's all about each decision we make every single moment. Do I want to eat that cookie or do I want to eat a piece of fruit? Do I want to go for a walk or do I want to sit on the couch and watch the repeat of the Real Housewives of New York City that I have already seen?

So, in the moment, I am going to ask myself: What can I do that is the better choice? I'm really trying to get back on track and do the right things. I know what they are, I'm just not always doing them.

I'm going to the Beachbody Coaches summit at the end of this month. I really want to look my best and it is going to take quite a bit of work on my part to accomplish this!

I've been playing with my food choices thinking that I need to eat a certain way to get the results I want. I really know what works for my body and that is what I am going to do. Mostly fruit and veggies and whole grains with eggs and fish occasionally. Avoid processed foods and sugar. So, I'm going back to basics. Food combining works for me, so I'll food combine. It's so much easier when you don't eat animal products.

Food combining is eating your foods a certain way. You don't mix your animal proteins with carbs. Eat your fruit alone. I will do a whole post on food combining if there is interest - leave me a comment if you want to know more. I learned about food combining from Marilu Henner's Total Health Makeover. Great book, highly recommend it!

Last night I watched the Biggest Loser. I love this show. It's so inspiring and I know just how hard these people are working. I would love this opportunity to work with Jillian and Bob. Can you just imagine how fun that would be?

Jillian Michaels is on the cover of Success magazine. Check out the article here. She certainly has branded herself and is a huge success.

“When you take control of your physical health, it transcends. When you’re feeling strong physically, it transcends into your personal and your professional life. It transcends into every aspect of your life. And that’s why when you take control of yourself, ultimately you can determine the outcome of any situation in your favor, because you’ll never control the other person. You’ll never control the outside world. But when you control your reactions and emotions, then you control your destiny—and that is the key to being happy and being healthy in every facet of your reality.” Jillian Michaels

I am looking forward to her new show, Losing It with Jillian . The show comes out this summer. Are you going to watch?

Discussion: how do you get yourself back on track? Do you find shows like Biggest Loser to be inspirational and help you to stay on track? Are you making the right decisions?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Five Accessories - Off the Street

I am not a frilly, girly-girl, but I love to accessorize my outfits. I found the best place to get cool, recycled, eco-friendly accessories. Five Accessories!

Five Accessories carries a great line of handbags and accessories. I was fortunate enough to receive their Off The Street bracelet. It is cute and I love that it is made by things found off the street! Each bracelet is made from recycled pop tops. I have worn it out several times and I get compliments on it every time!

StreetWise is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to empower men and women who currently are or at risk of becoming homeless. When you purchase one of the bracelets or other items, you get a card with a photo of the person that made your item! My bracelet was made by Gearldine and her quote is "Don't quit - ever!" One of the best parts about these bracelets is that they are inexpensive. $5, so you can buy several to share with your friends, knowing that you are helping out the people that make them and giving to charity as well!

15% from every accesory sold goes to suppot a charity in the locale where it was made! I love companies that give back! Nothing better!
Become a fan of Five Accessories on Facebook today and follow them on Twitter!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fit Club/Slim Club!

It's Monday and that means FIT CLUB!!!

I am using Slim in 6 along with P90X. I truly believe that Slim in 6 is one of the most effective workouts for women. Especially for the lower body. That is the area that I am focusing on right now. Trying my best to get ready for swim suit season. I usually dread putting on a swimsuit, but last year I bought the cutest swim shorts and I didn't have any of the negative self-talk going through my head! Problem solved!!! I also loved that I could add any type of top I wanted with them. I had several different looks and loved them all.

Debbie Siebers is a great trainer and she has some of the best ideas for working out while doing your daily chores. How about some vacuum cleaner lunges? Check out Debbie's you tube channel for her half-ass workout tips of the day!

I've come up with a few of my own:

Toothbrush tummy tucks - while you are brushing your teeth, don't just stand there! Tighten those abs and tuck your booty under. Hold for a few seconds, release and repeat!

Dishwasher calf raises - when unloading the dishwasher, especially those items that go in the top cabinets, raise up on your toes and tighten the calf muscles. Go up and down several times per dish.

Baby raises - Work the arms while lifting the baby in the air, she will love it and you will get some great looking arms!

Stoplight challenge - when you are driving the car and come to a red light, tighten up all your core musles and try to hold it until the light turns green.

Squat Dusting - pretty self explanatory - do your squats and dust at the same time. Be sure to put the weight in your heels when you squat to protect your knees.

You'll be amazed how you can work exercise into your daily routine.

Today's recipe:

Lemon Creme (Crema Di Limone) Nonna's Italian Kitchen by Bryanna Clark Gorgan

1 (12.3 oz) box extra firm silken tofu, crumbled
1/3 cup Grade A maple syrup
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp grated lemon zest ( preferably organic)

Blend the ingredients well in a blender, until very smooth. Chill in a covered sontainer.

Per 1/4 cup serving: calories - 68, protein - 3g, carbs - 11g, fat - 1 g

This simply delicious creme can be used as a pudding or atopping for fruit or cake. You can use low-fat tofu if you are counting calories.

Discussion: Do you have any tips for getting workouts or exercise throughout your day?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I don't know, Boo-Boo!

How did the challenge go for you yesterday? If you weren't able to participate, then just jump in today and try it out! I did get all my water in yesterday and it wasn't too hard. Since we are vacationing, I just tried to keep water with me, didn't always happen, but I managed to get all of it down. I try to drink this much water every day. I don't' always make it, but that is the goal! Will you be aiming for this goal from now on?

I promised a photo of me and yogi bear and I do not want to dissapoint...... He is standing near the entrance to the campground. I just couldn't let a great photo op go by!

We are having a great time in St. Louis. Yesterday we toured the Basilica, the Arch, had a fantastic lunch sitting outside in the sun, went to a couple of casino's and toured the Budweiser facilities. After we got back to the campground, we got a good fire going and our friends cooked dinner. We even went up to karoke at the campground's main house and had a sing-a-long. The popular song was Elvira. It was funny, the girl in charge of the karoke had never heard it and couldn't believe all these "old folks" were singing! She went running in to the office to see if they were videotaping it! So fun. However, with a campfire for me, comes runny noses and sore throats. BUT.... I can't wait to do it again tonight

Today we are planning on going to the Farmer's Market, the Botanical Gardens, the Cathedral and lunch on the Hill! Can't wait to get started.
Saturday's are my update days on my challenge.

I've been doing really good until we left for vacation. It is so hard to stay on track when you are having so much fun. My food has been pretty good (other than some banana bread pudding and a few adult beverages), but my workouts have fallen by the wayside. We are doing TONS of walking and I am meeting my calorie burn goal for each day, so I'm not going to worry about it too much.

I did do my Shakeology Cleanse for 2 1/2 days. It is supposed to go for 3 days, but all I could think about was food the last night, so I ate. I don't think you should be starving yourself by any means ( I wasn't), but if food is all you are thinking about, then you should eat.

I was doing my workouts and a few of the P90X weight workouts were really hard with that few of calories. I think that when I do it again then I will do lighter workouts.

RESULTS: I lost 3 1/2 lbs. I didn't take my measurements and probably should have. My jeans were looser!!

I think it is a great way to kickstart a weight loss program or just any exercise program. If you want all the details, let me know. I'll get it posted here or send it to you by email.

Discussion: Do you plan for you "diet" to start or do you pig out before it starts! I think you should just go for it from the beginning and not allow yourself to sabotage your efforts before you even begin!