I don't know about you, but I think I'm glad that 2009 is almost over. Our year started out rough with Jake accidentally shooting himself in the neck. Thank God he was okay and just had to get stitches. But, what a start to the year. Little did I know that it would continue like this. All of our boys celebrate birthday in Jan and we celebrate on the 9th, 19th and 29th. Talk
about planning huh???? 

In June, Brian and I went to Memphis for a long weekend. We had a blast. Toured Graceland and had a lot of fun on Beale Street. Our neice Cassie had her baby Avany Rayne. She is so
beautiful and makes me anxious for our little one to make her arrival!

July was a crazy month. I went to New York City for the first time with Mom, Hermina, Lisa and Judy. We had so much fun, saw some GREAT broadway plays and just enjoyed ourselves immensely! Our favorite restaurant in Joplin, Isadora's closed it's doors and we were sad to see that happen, but understood. My cousin Kathryn got married and it was good to see all the family and she made a beautiful bride. Then our world collapsed. Brian was in a motorcycle accident on the 31st.

August was spent with Brian in the hospital for 10 days, several surgeries and then recovering at home. It was hard learning to take care of him, it was hard on him being in a wheelchair and us not really knowing what the future would bring. This month also brought us Miss Madelyn. She is just perfect. Just ask us, we'll tell you!! Brian and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. He surprised me with a beautiful ring. I was so shocked, I was spending every moment with him and couldn't imagine how he pulled this one off, but many thanks to Meredit
h for helping him!!

September is my birthday month. Mom and Dad, Devin and Dalton came for the weekend, not because it was my birthday, but to see the new baby! LOL! It's okay, I completely understand... It was nice to have something else to focus on. Brian was able to get around more and we started venturing
out amongst the people again.
In October Brian got on crutches. No more wheelchair - YAY! Still not able to put any weight on his left leg, but things are progressing. Lauren has her birthday in Ocotober and we celebrated! The baby is still perfect and beautiful and was a pretty pink poodle for Halloween. Nick got his new puppy and he was a hot dog for Halloween.
November is here and Brian is still recovering and not able to walk yet. Physical therapy is plugging along and we are getting out more and more. I was brave and left Brian for an overnight trip to OKC with the girls. We went to a raw food restaurant and the Celtic Woman concert. Had a great time! Brian survived without me - go figure. Brian and I went to Dallas for a Beachbody seminar and had a great time visiting friends. Thanksgiving was extra special this year. We have a lot to be thankful for and we had our 5 generation photo taken since June was able to come! 
December brought us good news, Brian can start walking again! He's still in quite a bit of pain and has a ways to go. May need another surgery on his right leg, but the left leg is healed! December is also a month of family for us. I don't get to see my family near enough, but I love it when we all can ge
t together!
Christmas was wonderful and we had a big snow and ice storm, but we all braved the weather and made time to get together!
February is Brian's birthday month. We traveled to Kansas City to spend Valentine's day with friends and had a fab time. Our friends son got engaged that weekend and we had a lot to celebrate! I went to St. Louis with my friend Doris from Texas and w
ent to my first First Steps to Success Semi
nar. I loved it!
March brought the Beachbody summit and I went to California. Nothing like a bunch of fitness freaks all in one place. Jake hit a deer and totaled his truck. He was okay again (glad that boy seems to have nine lives!
) This is also Meredith's birthday month. 
April was prom month for Jake. He and Morgan looked great and had a wonderful time! It was also the month Jake had surgery to remove part of the shell casing that was in his
neck from the accident in Jan. 
May was a stormy month. We had a tornado like winds (they aren't calling it a tornado) and had damage to several of our rental properties. Jake graduated high school and I went to Chicago with Doris for the Creating a Dynasty seminar. Brian created his turkey trophy instead of a Dynasty! Bria
n and I parasailed for the first time and really loved it! 
In June, Brian and I went to Memphis for a long weekend. We had a blast. Toured Graceland and had a lot of fun on Beale Street. Our neice Cassie had her baby Avany Rayne. She is so
July was a crazy month. I went to New York City for the first time with Mom, Hermina, Lisa and Judy. We had so much fun, saw some GREAT broadway plays and just enjoyed ourselves immensely! Our favorite restaurant in Joplin, Isadora's closed it's doors and we were sad to see that happen, but understood. My cousin Kathryn got married and it was good to see all the family and she made a beautiful bride. Then our world collapsed. Brian was in a motorcycle accident on the 31st.
September is my birthday month. Mom and Dad, Devin and Dalton came for the weekend, not because it was my birthday, but to see the new baby! LOL! It's okay, I completely understand... It was nice to have something else to focus on. Brian was able to get around more and we started venturing
December brought us good news, Brian can start walking again! He's still in quite a bit of pain and has a ways to go. May need another surgery on his right leg, but the left leg is healed! December is also a month of family for us. I don't get to see my family near enough, but I love it when we all can ge
I want to be sure to thank all the wonderful companies that have allowed me to try out their products and even give some great things away! I look forward to being able to bring even more great things in 2010!
So, it's been a year of ups and downs. Both the ups and downs were big this year! I'm looking forward to a better 2010 filled with family, friends and fun!
I wish each and every one of you a new year of health, prosperity and good times!!
So, it's been a year of ups and downs. Both the ups and downs were big this year! I'm looking forward to a better 2010 filled with family, friends and fun!
I wish each and every one of you a new year of health, prosperity and good times!!