
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weird Gadget Girl!

I had a good day yesterday, as most days!  Love that!  I hope you did as well!

I got my carpets cleaned. This is a good thing.  We had these horrible, ugly spots on our carpet from Miss Roxy being in the house.  We'd had the carpets cleaned before, but the spots kept coming back.  So, we are trying a new technique and if this doesn't work, the carpet is coming up and hardwoods are going down.  I have mixed emotions about it, I love hardwood floors, but the cost is not so pleasing!  So for now, I have nice, clean carpet.  I am hoping it holds out until the wedding.....

After getting my carpets did, Brian and I went into town to look at property.  We are getting ready to start building back our rental properties, they have finally lifted the ban on building permits and we are ready to get going!  So, off we went to check things out.  We are starting with the house on Iowa, located near the school.  We have purchased a couple of empty lots that we will be building on as well.  It's always exciting to start a new project.

After the excitement of dinner, you know what I mean....  the storms started rolling in.  Brian and his buddies were playing poker and I was hanging out, reading, watching a little tv and surfing the net.  Not all at the same time, but I tend to jump from one thing to another as my thoughts jump around! 

It was a dark and stormy night...

The power went out and I decided to hang out on the deck with my kindle and battery powered light and read and watch the storm blow in.  The power was off for a couple of hours.  Brian and his buddies rigged up some flashlight contraption so they could continue to play cards.  Always thinking, those guys!  I should've gone up to take a photo of that one!

My workouts are going good.  I love TurboFire.  Yesterday we had Fire 30 (one of my favorites of the whole program) and Stretch 10 and I had planned on getting on the treadmill in the evening, but I think I pulled something in my back moving furniture to get ready for the carpet cleaners.  Then the power went out and that sealed the deal for me!  So, I didn't get all my steps in, but I'm okay with that.

I've decided that I'm going to be the weird gadget girl( Madelyn tells me all the time, "Nona's weird") and start wearing both my bodybugg and my fitbit.  It's a bit extreme, I know.  BUT I really like knowing exactly how many calories I am burning during the workouts.  I'll probably only wear the bodybugg during workouts.  The fitbit just doesn't get all the movement with the intense cardio of TurboFire.  So, I'm going to be one of THOSE kind of gals!

Bodybugg has a GREAT special going on right now.  If you already own one and want to renew your subscription - use the code FBBUGG6 and get 6 months for $34.96.  Saves you 30%.   Great Deal!

Discussion:  Are you a gadget freak like me?  What is your favorite gadget?