
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's a needy kind of day!

Hey everyone!  Hope your day is just the best!

Our weather here is a lot like it was in Colorado today.  Cool and overcast.  I'm okay with that, we need rain so bad!

Yesterday was  TurboFire 55 EZ.  I don't care what anyone says, it is not an EZ workout!  I made it through it and I truly think my clothes could've walked to the laundry room all on their own.  I was a sweaty mess!

My foot has started acting up again, so I brought out my frozen bottle for icing it and am trying to just get through it.  I was glad that today was a little easier workout on the foot.

I'm wearing the bodybugg today!  I thought it might take a little getting used to wearing it again, but it hasn't bothered me at all.  So, I am a double gadget gal again.... bodybugg and fitbit,   EXCEPT, the digital display battery was DEAD!  We can't change it until we get a tool to take the back off.  Brian is a tool-a-holic and you would think he would have something out there that works, but no such luck.  He's been like a kid in a candy store today, all giddy and happy because he has to go to Lowe's to get a new tool.  I just hope I can keep him focused and on track and get out quickly.  :)

Both gadgets are in my amazon store if you are interested in getting one!  If you have ANY questions, please let me know.  I can hopefully answer them for you!

I'm also going out for strawberries.  I have a new strawberry cookbook and a few things have caught my eye.   Look for a post and recipes tomorrow!

Madelyn just left and she wore me out today!  She started off the day telling me she was onery.  I knew I was in for it.  Her latest thing is "I need".  I need "onies" (short for macaroni and cheese), I need to read a book, I need that toy, I need that other toy, I need , I need, I need!  So, it's been a needy kind of day! 

She needed to check  her email, so she said.....

Oh, if you have a kindle or a nook, check out or like them on facebook.  They list all the free and reduced price books.  Loving the free books I've been reading and getting to know some new authors.

I need a foot massage, I need a chai latte, I need to take a walk, I need another vacation .......   not sure any of those are going to happen for me :)

Discussion:  What do you need today?