
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I've had a super busy couple of days!  After the wedding, we had Sunday brunch and Nick and Lauren opened their gifts and boy did they get some great things.  I tried to get them to leave a few things behind, but they managed to get them ALL to their house!!!

We had a photo booth (Expressions Photo Booth) at the wedding and it was so much fun!  Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Then on Monday after working in my office in the morning, I took off with a friend to Oklahoma City!  We went to the Salvation Army's Celebration of Hope fund raiser.   Julie's Aunt Barbara was the co-chairperson and she did an amazing job!  I rubbed elbows with the Governor, Anita Bryant and saw some beautiful gowns.

We had dinner at PF Chang's and then went back to the house and crashed. This morning we hit up the outlet mall and had a blast.  I got some great things and then I just saw some, shall we say unusual things......

Boots for $500 - uhm, fur boots with weird heels....

Lunch was at the Elephant Bar.  Delicious!!!

Got home a little while ago and Brian and I are hanging out.  He leaves tomorrow for a fishing trip with Jake and the guys.  I'm sure they will have a great time.

I can't believe how tired I am, but it has been non-stop on the go for a week.  I'm ready for a little down time!

Tomorrow - lunch and a movie with Hermina!!

Can't wait!