
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hey Hey, It's myBirthday!

Happy birthday to me!!!

I love that I am not freaking out about my age (46) and that I am healthy and happy!  Nothing better than that!

For my birthday, I don't require any presents, I just want all of YOU to be healthy and happy as well!  If you don't have a Beachbody coach already, it would be my honor to help you on your health journey. 

Get a free account here!

So a couple of fun things going on.  Over at Feeling Fit with Dana on facebook, I am hosting a giveaway and you do NOT want to miss this! 

All you have to do is like my page and then like the post - UP FOR GRABS:  a beachbody workout or a bag of shakeology of YOUR CHOICE!  This is in honor of my birthday wish as well as reaching 500 likers!  ( Is that even a word????)  So head over and get entered because I will be drawing someone at random tomorrow (Sept 2) at 5 PM CT!!!  (No beachbody coaches, please!!)

The next fun thing is that you can pre-order P90X2 TODAY!  I got mine ordered and can't wait for Christmas to get here!  This is off the charts AMAZING!!!!  I think I'm most looking forward to the foam roller workout!  Oh, those aching muscles!!

You can log in with your account email and password and click on the shop tab if you have one or you can go to my website ( and click on the P90X2 banner on the right hand side of the page! 

A couple of things you need to know:

 1. Pre-Ordering can begin Sept 1, 2011 and continue until Sept 5, 2011 at

2. It WILL be delivered by Christmas!

3. Your Credit Card WONT be charged until it is shipped

4. FREE Shipping!

5. Get 2 bonus workouts designed to compliment P90X2 (as long as you order from ME!)

6. You will be entered to win prizes including Tony Horton delivering it to your door!

It's a win-win!  I ordered myself the ULTIMATE package!  So excited for Christmas to get here!  I think a January challenge will be in order!!

The next fun thing is, I am starting a 10 day SLIMDOWN CHALLENGE on Sept 6!  Right after the holiday weekend!

Here's the deets:

1)  you will need to be using Shakeology.  I will sell you the 10 day packets if you do not want to purchase a whole bag. 

2)  There will be a meal plan to follow

3)  you will need to exercise during the 10 days - you can choose what you do, but you will exercise every day

4)  You will need to commit to completing the program and posting on the group page on facebook!

If that hasn't scared you off, then contact me and let me know you want to participate!  It will be fun and you will see results!

I need the challenge to get ready for Nick's wedding on the 17th!  It will be hard, but I am up for it!  Are you?

Ok, I've thrown enough at you for now.  I'm off for dinner with the family and then a fun weekend at the lake!