
Sunday, September 11, 2011

A day of remembrance and family!

I imagine that everyone remembers where they were 10 years ago today.  I was on my way to work at Ceilings and Walls, our construction company.  I got in to the office and immediately turned on the tv.  We all sat in my office and watched the tragedy unfold in front of us with tears and unbelieving eyes.


All I could think of was that I wanted my family with me.  I needed to hug my boys, talk to my parents and brother and just keep watching.  I watched for way too long and Brian eventually had to turn the tv off for me.  I just couldn't move, it was so heartbreaking.

Today, we all remember and I would imagine that you want your family around as much as I do.  We have the big wedding coming up and Meredith was kind enough to come over and get us all spiffed up.  It was great to be able to see everyone today and reflect on all the changes that we have gone through in the last 10 years.  No, we are not the same trusting people, but we are the same loving family and we love our country just as much as always.

We ended our day over at Nick and Lauren's house for an impromptu dinner.  Family means everything to us and we love spending time together as much as possible!

This is going to be such a busy week, I really want to thank each and every one of you for reading what I have to say, encouraging each other and being as healthy as you can.  It's the best thing you can do for your own family and for yourself!!!

When I went to New York City a couple of years ago, we visited the site.  It really does put a new perspective on things when you see it, imagine the horror that those people went through.  I'm so glad that they have a service of remembrance each year that will in some small way help. 

I am so grateful to the people that protect our country.  Words can never be enough for the price that some have paid.

We are the same caring country and people that we were on this day 10 years ago, I think we just have to remember to show it as often as possible.

This week, show your gratitude in random acts of kindness.  Give a smile, say hello, do whatever you can to just be kind to others.  You never know how that one act will make someone else feel.  Probably like a million bucks!