
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Beachbody Challenge

We are traveling home today and it is HOT!  Wow!  I didn't miss this at all!

Just a quick post about the new Beachbody Challenge.  Be sure to get signed up today and you will be eligible to win the daily WOWY prize of $500 and the GRAND PRIZE of $100,000!!!  Now that is some motivation if I've ever heard it!

If you don't have a coach and would like one, I 'd love to help you get the best results possible.I offer free fitness coaching,  just click here to get started today!  I'll send you an email to get you going right away! If you aren't sure which program to choose, email, text or facebook me and I'll help you with your decision!

If you have already signed up, tell me what workout program you are doing!  I'm starting a new round of Turbo Fire in the morning and I'm planning on  sharing my journey with you all here!  Don't forget that I have an accounability group on facebook.  Just friend me and let me know you want to be a part of it!

Ready, Set, GO!