
Friday, July 1, 2011

Popsicle summer fun

Boy, it's a hot one here!  100 degrees yesterday, but I LOVE the hot weather.  I usually freeze and have to wear a sweater or light jacket, didn't need that yesterday.  I was out running errands and having a good time, but came home and put on shorts and enjoyed the heat!

After being outside working on the pool, I realized just how hot I was.  So, something cool and refreshing was in order.

CHAI POPSICLES!  Two of my favorite things AND I hadn't even had a chance to use my new toy!

Got all my ingredients out and got busy - it was QUICK!  10 minutes later, I was enjoying a frozen treat!!

I may or may not have enjoyed all three of them and then made three more for Brian to enjoy!  Just sayin'!!

This little baby is going to be my new summer friend!!

Today, I am enjoying my time alone and my beautiful view.  I'm sitting on the deck until it gets too hot to be outside and then I'll be doing my workout and spending a few hours working. Afterwards, Brian will be home and we will find something fun to do for the rest of the day!

Until then, I'm just going to relax, take it easy and enjoy my alone time!

Life is too short to not enjoy it, so get out there today and live life, do something fun - just for yourself!

Discussion:  What do you like to do when you have some alone time?