
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fit Club Tuesday!

Good Tuesday!  That means another Fit Club!  I love Tuesdays, I get to workout with my friends!  There is nothing better than getting healthy together!

Remember that we are at my house for the next month or so.  I'll be finding another location soon, but in the meantime......

Fit Club Workout

We are doing the BEST OF CHALENE JOHNSON this month!  We've TurboFire'd, Chalean Extreme'd and Turbo Jam'd.  So tonight we will be mixing it all up!  I'm thinking a little Jam first and then some abs (CE) and stretch (TF).  I think we can work all 3 in tonight!

Fit Club Recipe:

Strawberry Salad with marinated tofu

I LOVE strawberry salads.  I make them frequently and they are so easy and I can change them up according to what I have on hand.  Plus, they are so pretty!

This one is mixed greens, red onion, sliced almonds, strawberries and mandarin oranges (canned, drained).

Marinated tofu:

I used the cubed tofu, drained.

in a shallow bowl (pie plate works great too), I added bragg's liquid amino's, liquid smoke, chopped garlic, chopped onion, couple drops of tobasco sauce, dash of lemon juice.  Put the tofu in the bowl, pour the sauce over it and make sure all of it is covered.  Stir several times and leave it for at least an hour. 

When the tofu is marinated to your liking, you can bake it or saute it.  I sauteed mine.  I put a little bit of olive oil in the pan and then dumped the whole tofu and marinade in the pan.  I cooked it until the liquid was gone.

I put that on top of the strawberry salad and then used a balsamic dressing on top of that!

Equal parts balsamic vinegar and olive oil.  Add spices to your liking.

Then eat and enjoy!


Discussion:  Do you like  to mix up your workouts?