
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fit Club Tuesday!


It's another Tuesday!!!  We are still celebrating the BEST of Chalene Johnson.  This means that we are doing my favorite workouts from Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme and TurboFire!  These are my favorite workouts and of course I love sharing them with you!

Tonight we are doing either Dynamic Flow Yoga from ChaLEAN Extreme or 3T from Turbo Jam and HIIT 15 from TurboFire.  It's going to depend on how many show up and what I feel like doing.......bwaaa haa haaa!!

This morning I did my workout.  I am doing the CE/TF rotation and loving every minute of it.  I did Burn it Off and Extreme Abs.  I am pretty sure I'll be feeling that one tomorrow morning!  I was dripping sweat everywhere!


I want to share this SUPER Easy recipe from for protein cookie balls!  She calls them amaze balls and I AGREE!!

So easy to make, I made just a few small changes, but want to make sure she gets the credit for the recipe!


So I made these last night with the thought in mind for the post today.  However, they were gone before I could take a photo.  You'll just have to trust me that these are THAT good!  I'll make another batch and get the photo before I allow Brian anywhere near them!

2 T vanilla or chocolate protein powder ( I like Sun Warrior or SHAKEOLOGY, my first choice)
2 T almond or natural peanut butter
2 T shredded coconut (unsweetend is best)
1 T pure maple syrup or honey or brown rice syrup
pinch of sea salt, Stevia and cinnamon

1. In your food processor, add the protein powder, almond butter, coconut, and pulse until the ingredients are mixed

2.  Add the cinnmon, sea salt, Stevia and Sweetener and pulse again.  Mix will start to clump together

3.  Add in chocolate chips ( I really like the Enjoy Life Semi Sweet Mega Chunks), dried fruit (cranberries are yummy) or any other things you'd like (butterscotch chips are yummy, but not as healthy)  Pulse again to chop up the chocolate chips and whatever you've added in.

4.  Roll mixture into balls.  I like them smaller, but you can make them to your preference.

Save in a ziploc baggie and munch for a perfect pre or post workout snack!  Yummy and Healthy!

Discussion:  What do you like to have pre or post workout?