
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Preserve - toothbrush giveaway!

I am excited that Preserve sent me a couple of their recycled toothbrushes!  These work great and I love that I can help the planet at the same time I am getting my teeth clean!

The Preserve Mail Back Pack is great!  The toothbrush is packaged in the mail back mailer.  You use the toothbrush and when you are done with it, just send it back to them in the mail back pack and they will recycle it.  The toothbrushes are made from recycled yogurt cups.  They are great, fit my hand nicely.  I like the curved handle. 

The toothbrushes are available in ultra-soft, soft and medium and are made in the USA.  It just keeps getting better and better!

I have one to giveaway! 

To Enter:

Head over to Preserve and come back and tell me how many toothbrushes are going to be postage paid!

Additional entries:
1)  Become a fan of Preserve on facebook
2)  Become a fan of Feeling Fit with Dana on facebook
3)  Become a follower of my blog
4)  Tweet or facebook post about this giveaway!  I hope I win the preserve recycled toothbrush from @Danamoritz on Feeling Fit With Dana

Winner will be chosen on September 20, 2010 and will be chosen by Good luck to you!  Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the winning email or a second chance drawing will be held!

I had a good day yesterday!  Eating was clean, got to workout with friends, met some new people and spent time with the fam!  Doesn't get much better than that for me!

My eating plan is still going strong.  I do need to work on drinking more water.  I know that when I don't get enough water, I get stuffy nosed, tired and a bit cranky.  (hard to believe, I'm sure!)  So, today I am focusing on WATER, WATER and more WATER!

I'm going to add some lime slices and maybe even make some limeade.  ( I have limes that need to be used!) I love to add fruit or even cucumbers to my water.  It's nice to have a little flavor, tons of ice and drink away!

Here are my meals from yesterday:

German Chocolate Shakeology

Veggie Soup with wild rice and "cheezy" bread

Side salad with tomato vinagrette dressing
whole wheat pasta with mushrooms and onion and humnut sauce

I also had an apple, but didn't take a photo!

Discussion:  do you have a "focus" for each day?  I find that I do better if I do!