
Monday, September 13, 2010

Fit Club Monday is moving!

I am so excited that Fit Club Monday is moving to Tuesday!  It will be Fit Club Tuesday from now on!

I have teamed up with the City of Carl Junction for the next few weeks and will be offering my Fit Club Classes at the Community Center!!  This should be great.  More people can attend and we will have more room and a better floor!  This makes me happy!!!

So, the details:

Tuesday  - 7 PM
Carl Junction Community Center
Workout to be determined, but will always be cardio
Bring a mat, towel and water

I hope that you will decide to join.  As usual, there is NO CHARGE for the classes!  Come, have fun and let's get healthy together!

Yesterday, we went to the RV show, shopping at Bass Pro Shops and then had a great lunch!!  I so enjoy my time with Craig and Hermina.  We always have so much fun. 

Today, I am re-commiting to my health and fitness goals.  I have let a lot of things slack and slip over the summer.  I've had so much fun, but I need to get back on track.  I am going to tow the line!  That isn't to say I won't be having fun, it will just be a little different kind of fun!

Brian and I are commiting to 30 days of exercise and clean eating.  We are going to call each other out when one of us slips up and get each other to those goals!  I'll be documenting our journey here.  If you want to join us, please do so.  We would love some company.  I still have my Turbo Fire Challenge thread going.  We can post over there, we can also post on my Feeling Fit with Dana facebook page.  Let's all join together and reach those goals!

We will all be jumping for joy!!!

Discussion:   What are your goals and how do you plan to reach them?  Do you keep your to-do list?