
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Turbo Fire in the house!

I have been waiting for Turbo Fire to be released every since I tried it at the Beachbody Coaches Summit and yesterday my waiting is over ( well, kind of).  Turbo Fire is now available!  I was on Twitter and Facebook watching Carl Daikeler's posts and awaiting the news of the release.  He was teasing us a bit, but it was released and I raced over to my page to order. 

Now I just have to wait for it to be shipped.  Oh the anticipation!  I was like a little school girl yesterday, so giddy and clapping and Brian was looking at me like I was a fool!  I loved every minute of it.  Twitter and Facebook were on fi-yah with the news.  It was fun to see how many of the other Beachbody people were ordering and encouraging their customers to do the same.  So man of us have been waiting on it!

It is available for purchase now through a Beachbody coach, if you were waiting on it too, get your copy here:  Turbo Fire.  I will be your coach and I can help you get the best results possible.  We can do it together and report in with each other to stay accountable!

Over 1200 copies were sold in the first 2 hours.  It is CRAZY!!!!

So, my back is bothering me again.  I hurt it doing Insanity about 3 months ago now and it flares up every now and again.  I am going to stretch and do yoga for the rest of the week and hopefully it will recover in time for my Turbo Fire to get here.

Anyone watch Top Chef last night?  I love that show and get excited for it to come on.  Any favorite cheftesant yet? 

Discussion:  What do you do when you have an injury that prevents you from working out?  Do you baby it along, push through?  I'm looking for any ideas here!

Anyone interested in a workout challenge?  I'm thinking about putting on together so if you'd participate, let me know.  I'll get working on it!!