
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rishi Tea Masala Chai = YUM!

I love chai lattes and now that it is HOT, I am loving iced chai lattes.  Rishi Tea recently sent me their Masala Chai Tea Concentrate.  This is good. Super easy to make and super tasty!

An energizing and rich blend of fresh spices and real vanilla, slow brewed with a full-bodied organic & Fair Trade Certified™ wild-grown black tea. Proceeds from each sale of Masala Chai Concentrate support the Jane Goodall Institute, including Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, its global environmental and humanitarian program for young people from preschool to college.

 I made Brian and I an iced chai and we set off in the Jeep and were able to stay cool and have a nice treat!

I put equal parts Masala Chai concentrate and soy milk in the blender with ice.  YUM!

Check out Rishi Tea on Facebook and Twitter and You Tube!