
Monday, June 21, 2010

Fit club Monday

Good Morning!  We stayed over one more night at the lake.  I am blogging from the deck, listening to the birds chirp and looking out over the water.  It is so peaceful and quiet first thing in the morning here and it isn't too hot yet.  It's been soo hot the last few days.  I even got a little overheated yesterday when we went out on the boat.  I didn't have enough water yesterday and sitting in the sun wasn't the greatest idea I've had in a while.  But, it was fun!

I have changed the time of Fit Club to 7 PM in hopes that more of you will be able to make it! For those of you that don't live in the area, we can always meet in WOWY, the online super gym.  When you join Team beachbody as a free member, you get access to WOWY. (Work Out With You).  You can log in to your account (get your free membership here and I'll be your coach!)  You don't have to do Beachbody workouts to enter WOWY.  You can walk, jog or swim  - whatever you like!  When you log your workouts, you have a chance to win cool prizes ( cash, ipods, camera, camcorders)

Today's Recipe:

Simple and easy - P B & J Oatmeal

Mix your oatmeal as usual ( I prefer to make mine with water).

Add in 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter and 1 tsp jam of choice.

I also add in a dash of almond milk.
Mix and enjoy!!!!

Discussion:  Do you think that having a prize or incentive makes you more likely to workout?  I think it certainly makes it more fun!!