
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Insanity Fit Test

Wow, I just finished the Insanity Fit Test. I can really tell that I haven't done much working out for the last few weeks. It was brutal. Thank goodness for the recovery drink. I needed it!

The fit test started out with a warm up. Then we moved into the actual test. Each move is 1 minute long and you do as many as you can in that time frame. Then we did a cool down and stretch.

Here are my results:

Switch Kicks - 56
Power Knees - 81
Power Jumps - 18
Squat Jacks -46
Globe Jumps - 6
Suicide Jumps - 12
Push up Jacks - 15
Low Plank Oblique - 40

I'll start the actual workouts tomorrow. I hope that I am up for this! I was so wiped out after the fit test!

Tomorrow will be Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I have done this workout before, so I know what I am in store for. :)

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  1. I did join that group a few years ago, but ugh...ya didn't go back. I was so confused with everything. =) Maybe I'll join back again after school starts and we go back to a mini routine. LOL!

  2. Kaci, when you are ready to get back to it, sign up to be my customer (it's free!) and I'll help you figure it all out!! It's always more fun with friends :)


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