
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting Back to the Basics

Since Brian's accident, I haven't been very good at getting my workouts in. I've been eating on the run and sometimes not making the best choices. I KNOW! I know better and even though I have lost weight through this whole experience, it wasn't the healthy way and certainly not the way I intended to.

Monday I am going to re-start my Insanity workout. I had just completed Day 1 on the 31st, when my world fell apart for a short time. Brian actually helped me out that morning and did my counts for the fit test. I am going to start completely over Monday.

I'm so excited to get back to my workout and eating routine. I have the Insanity food plan worked out and will be getting my groceries this weekend. I love that the plan includes vegetarians and gives suggestions for replacements for meat and dairy! I really can't wait to see the results I will have in 60 days! Exercise really does keep me sane. I need that time to sweat, work out my frustrations and get that release that only comes from exercise.

I have a few friends that are going to join in the fun! Working out with friends is always more fun and I am more apt to stick with the plan this way!

I'd love to have you join with us. I will post my daily workout and food journal here. Feel free to do the same or you can join me over on the Beachbody message boards. You can do whatever workout you'd like and eat clean. You don't have to eat a vegetarian diet, just eat healthy!!

I really need to get back to my water drinking. That is another thing that has fallen off track. Now that Brian doesn't require my constant attention, I am back!

Here is a little sneak peek at what is in store for me:

Be sure to stop by and check out my Beachbody webpage at


  1. You go, girl! just stopping by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same!

  2. WOW! I really need this. I maintain a good weight, but I really need to work on my tone and eat better...and drink more water. I'll be stopping back!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  3. OH man... I don't think I could do that and I run and bike!

    Happy Saturday Sharefest!

  4. Visiting from Saturday Sharefest.

    Great to find another mom of three boys, in her forties who challenges herself physically.

    I started boot camp, have changed my diet but still have not lost one pound! What the alcohol, hardly any sugar no breads or processed food. Lots of water.

    I'll be following you for your diet regime.

    I thought that you coud relate to this post:

  5. Oh, I love that I'll have some company and cheerleaders!!! I'm going to need it for sure!

  6. Holy heck, my hats off to you! I am way past out of shape to even attempt that right now, but I will definately cheer you on.

  7. Wow - I'm super impressed.

    Since it's Linkshare day on SITS, here ya go :)

  8. Hi, Dana. thanks for stopping by my blog. I need you! I'm in a workout/diet slump and desperately need to pull myself out.

    I'll be back to cheer you on and get some fitness tips.

  9. oh my! good for you for doing that kind of workout! :D

  10. Good luck with the new routine!


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