
Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3, 2008

Hello everyone! Today is the day that I start my new Challenge. I started off this morning by doing Great Abs Guaranteed and Great Arms Guaranteed. These are part of the Great Body Guaranteed series.

Each move targets a specific zone to tighten and tone in under 10 minutes a day. With trainers Tony Horton and Debbie Siebers.

Price: $24.95

Say goodbye to those marathon workouts . . . with Great Body Guaranteed!, you can achieve spectacular results in less than 10 minutes a day and in just 30 days!

How It Works So Fast: Celebrity trainers Debbie Siebers and Tony Horton use the science of Sectional Progression™ to get you the most jaw-dropping results in the shortest amount of time. With Sectional Progression, each movement targets a specific zone for maximum definition without any wasted effort.

It's Easy To Get Started! Just pick the routine you want to do (alternating each day to hit a different muscle group), and you've got a challenging, complete workout—in just a few short minutes!

Great Abs Guaranteed!® Get the ripped abs you've always wanted with this amazing 7-minute workout.
Great Arms Guaranteed! Add firmness, definition, and lean muscle mass to your biceps and triceps with this proven arm routine.

Here is my take on the workouts for today:

Great Abs is a good workout. You do hip rock, leg raise, iso crunch, iso crunches to the left and the right, bicycles and total body crunches and then you repeat the whole thing. It only takes 7 minutes to complete. Good ab workout - 220 ab moves in all!!

Great Arms is done either using weights or iso. You can choose. I chose to use 5 lbs weights. You do each move for a count of 3 up and 3 down. I worked my biceps, shoulders, triceps and forearms. Each move is 45 seconds long and is sectional progression. My arms were getting tired by the end. This one is also 10 minutes long.

Since I'll be doing other workouts today, that is all I am adding in. Tomorrow is Great Buns and Great Stretch and Great Thighs.

We are currently in the process of moving out of our workout building. I will be utilizing our basement. I've made at least 20 trips up and down the stairs. My legs have certainly gotten a good workout so far!! It's going to take me a while to figure out how to get things set up the way I want, but I think it is all going to be good when I get it done. I may even learn to love it more than using my building in town. I don't have to leave the house for the fit club classes and I don't have to pay for the extra utilities. That is definitely a good thing.

I'll be back tomorrow to let you all know what I think of the rest of the Great Body Series.

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