You all know how much I LOVE cookbooks. I have a bit of an addiction to them. The latest one to be added to my library is no exception.
I knew I had to have this one for a couple of reasons. It refers to eating with the seasons. I love that, it is from Sheryl Crow, love her music and her health story, and it had a recipe I HAD to try.
Sweet Green Chili Corn Muffins.
I'm a sucker for corn muffins. Don't know what it is about corn muffins that I enjoy so much, but I think it has something to do with the ultimate search for a cornbread recipe that is like my Grandma's. I've looked high and low for one and never found it. There is hope for me yet to find it, I'm not giving up.
This one is good, not like my Grandma's but still really good!
They are different from your typical corn bread, I really liked them, Brian not so much. But, he likes his cornbread sweet and no green chilies!
I'm still on the search for the mexican cornbread that I remember Grandma making, but it's always a lot of fun to try the recipes!
The cookbook has more than vegan recipes. Just in case you are a carnivore :)
Discussion: Is there a food that you remember from your childhood that you wished you could make?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
you see, there was this squirrel
We have Madelyn today. That is nothing new.
The fact that she never forgets anything is nothing new either. What is new is that we are hearing this story about this squirrel.
You see, there was this squirrel that was sitting on the tractor. The tractor that Jake was on. The squirrel was eating. A bite. Then he got down.
That is the story. Now, I have heard this same story at least 100 times today. Not to mention the 20 times I heard about it yesterday.
This is how it goes in Madelynese:
puearl: translated to squirrel
Yake? - translated to Jake
OVER and OVER again.
This is an interactive story. My part is this:
puearl - yes, the squirrel
go? - He has gone home
tracteeer - yes, the squirrel was on the tractor
Yake? - yes, Jake was on the tractor too
eating - yes, the squirrel was eating
bite - yes, the squirrel was eating a bite
down - yes, the squirrel got down off the tractor
There has been a lot of time spent looking out the window for the squirrel and looking at the tractor. Thank goodness Bumpy - translated: Grumpy, is around to take over my duties for a while!
Thank goodness for naptime!!
Discussion: Any good stories from your kids/grandkids to share?
The fact that she never forgets anything is nothing new either. What is new is that we are hearing this story about this squirrel.
You see, there was this squirrel that was sitting on the tractor. The tractor that Jake was on. The squirrel was eating. A bite. Then he got down.
That is the story. Now, I have heard this same story at least 100 times today. Not to mention the 20 times I heard about it yesterday.
This is how it goes in Madelynese:
puearl: translated to squirrel
Yake? - translated to Jake
OVER and OVER again.
This is an interactive story. My part is this:
puearl - yes, the squirrel
go? - He has gone home
tracteeer - yes, the squirrel was on the tractor
Yake? - yes, Jake was on the tractor too
eating - yes, the squirrel was eating
bite - yes, the squirrel was eating a bite
down - yes, the squirrel got down off the tractor
There has been a lot of time spent looking out the window for the squirrel and looking at the tractor. Thank goodness Bumpy - translated: Grumpy, is around to take over my duties for a while!
Thank goodness for naptime!!
Discussion: Any good stories from your kids/grandkids to share?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunshine in a Glass!
on a cloudy, nasty, rainy, snowy day!
I'm sure missing the warm, sunny weather in Savannah. Road trip anyone?
Discussion: What is your favorite way to start your day?
Sunshine in a glass!
Got an old friend out yesterday.....
That grapefruit needed using, so I grabbed a few other things and juiced away!
Tasty! and a great way to start the day!
Discussion: What is your favorite way to start your day?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Happy Spirit Sunday!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Gonna be a good night!
We are so excited, we get to keep Madelyn overnight! YAY!
Grumpy has big plans for the evening. Books to be read, toys to be played with, movies to watch and cupcakes to eat! It's too cold and rainy to be outside, which is her favorite thing to do.
I'm sure Madelyn will let us know what SHE wants to do!
Discussion: Do you look forward to sending your kids to the grandparents for a date night? Or are you the grandparent and look forward to having the baby spend the night?
Grumpy has big plans for the evening. Books to be read, toys to be played with, movies to watch and cupcakes to eat! It's too cold and rainy to be outside, which is her favorite thing to do.
I'm sure Madelyn will let us know what SHE wants to do!
Discussion: Do you look forward to sending your kids to the grandparents for a date night? Or are you the grandparent and look forward to having the baby spend the night?
Posted at
5:29 PM
Gonna be a good night!
grandbaby fun|spending the night with baby|
Comments (0)

Friday, March 25, 2011
Limited time offer!
I am offering a cool deal for you! If you have been thinking about joining Beachbody as a coach or wanting to get your Shakeology at the coach price now is the time!
I'm not sure if you are aware of it or not, but Beachbody coaches get a 25% discount on ALL products. So, you get to purchase Shakeology at that discounted price. IF you order it on home direct, you save shipping costs, get 2 free Shakeology workouts and a free shaker cup the second month! There are no limits to the benefits of Shakeology and coaching!
Let me share a few of the success stories of my clients:
Dan ( my father ) uses Shakeology for breakfast daily (or atleast most days). After 3 months, he was able to get off all his high blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Dad didn't change anything else about his diet, didn't add in any workouts, just added a shake per day! AMAZING!
Virginia also had a little high blood pressure, she didn't take any medication for it yet, but her Dr wanted her to keep an eye on it daily. She started taking Shakeology (she took 1/2 scoop in the morning and 1/2 scoop in the evening) and after 3 WEEKS, her blood pressure was in the normal range.
Jason wanted to lose a little weight and get healthier, he started on Shakeology, added in a workout regimen and excluded his afternoon snack. He lost 12 lbs in 1 month.
I have lost a little weight over the time I have been using Shakeology, but the biggest thing for me is my energy levels. When I don't drink my shake (even for just one day), I don't have as much energy, I don't feel as "peppy"!! So, I have that benefit on top of all the health benefits that are included with drinking one shake per day!
I could go on and on with weight loss stories as well as people having so many health benefits, but you get the idea. It does many things for many people!
So, if you have been on the fence, let's get you started right away. You can use the coaching account just for the discount or you can work the business and make some extra money!! Trust me, you will want to tell all your friends about the way you feel!
You can go to my webpage to get started right away or you can email me and I'll walk you through the process!
Here are the deets:
1) Must sign up and place your new HD Shakeology by March 31. (If you already have a shakeology HD order you will have to cancel it first)
2) Must be a NEW Coach (can't have been a coach in the last 6 months)
3) Must remain a coach for 30 days.
After 30 days, I will reimburse you the $39.95 sign-up fee. I can mail it to you, pay through paypal or if you are local, I will hand it to you!
Don't forget: This is a limited time offer (only through March 31, 2011) and I am offering it to the first 3 (Three) people to sign up!
I'm not sure if you are aware of it or not, but Beachbody coaches get a 25% discount on ALL products. So, you get to purchase Shakeology at that discounted price. IF you order it on home direct, you save shipping costs, get 2 free Shakeology workouts and a free shaker cup the second month! There are no limits to the benefits of Shakeology and coaching!
Let me share a few of the success stories of my clients:
Dan ( my father ) uses Shakeology for breakfast daily (or atleast most days). After 3 months, he was able to get off all his high blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Dad didn't change anything else about his diet, didn't add in any workouts, just added a shake per day! AMAZING!
Virginia also had a little high blood pressure, she didn't take any medication for it yet, but her Dr wanted her to keep an eye on it daily. She started taking Shakeology (she took 1/2 scoop in the morning and 1/2 scoop in the evening) and after 3 WEEKS, her blood pressure was in the normal range.
Jason wanted to lose a little weight and get healthier, he started on Shakeology, added in a workout regimen and excluded his afternoon snack. He lost 12 lbs in 1 month.
I have lost a little weight over the time I have been using Shakeology, but the biggest thing for me is my energy levels. When I don't drink my shake (even for just one day), I don't have as much energy, I don't feel as "peppy"!! So, I have that benefit on top of all the health benefits that are included with drinking one shake per day!
I could go on and on with weight loss stories as well as people having so many health benefits, but you get the idea. It does many things for many people!
So, if you have been on the fence, let's get you started right away. You can use the coaching account just for the discount or you can work the business and make some extra money!! Trust me, you will want to tell all your friends about the way you feel!
You can go to my webpage to get started right away or you can email me and I'll walk you through the process!
Here are the deets:
1) Must sign up and place your new HD Shakeology by March 31. (If you already have a shakeology HD order you will have to cancel it first)
2) Must be a NEW Coach (can't have been a coach in the last 6 months)
3) Must remain a coach for 30 days.
After 30 days, I will reimburse you the $39.95 sign-up fee. I can mail it to you, pay through paypal or if you are local, I will hand it to you!
Don't forget: This is a limited time offer (only through March 31, 2011) and I am offering it to the first 3 (Three) people to sign up!
Posted at
10:35 AM
Limited time offer!
Beachbody Coaching opportunity|diet|health and nutrition|online fitness coaching|Shakeology|weight loss|
Comments (0)

Beachbody Coaching opportunity,
health and nutrition,
online fitness coaching,
weight loss
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
YAY, Spring is here!
Spring has sprung! I love it!!
Discussion: Do you love Spring?
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world. ~Virgil A. Kraft
Discussion: Do you love Spring?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
a recipe for popcorn?
It's another Tuesday and that means another Fit Club night! I love these nights, it is a time to get together with friends and workout. Nothing better than that!!!
We are still at my house for now. I am looking for another location, but luckily, the basement is a great place to hold these workouts!
We are doing Rev Abs! I like these workouts, Bret Hoebel is a great trainer and he's easy on the eyes as well!! That makes it even more fun!
I am hooked on popcorn these days. It's a great snack and since I have a hard time getting all my B12 in, I have been sprinkling it with nutritional yeast. YUM!
Pop your popcorn your favorite way, but keep in mind that air-popping is the healthiest option. If you are using the microwave, put your popcorn in a brown paper bag and pop. It works great!
When you pull the popcorn out, put in bowl and sprinkle with nutritional yeast (you can use Earth Balance or olive oil if you want). I also like to use Garlic Gold or Parma Chipotle.
We are still at my house for now. I am looking for another location, but luckily, the basement is a great place to hold these workouts!
We are doing Rev Abs! I like these workouts, Bret Hoebel is a great trainer and he's easy on the eyes as well!! That makes it even more fun!
I am hooked on popcorn these days. It's a great snack and since I have a hard time getting all my B12 in, I have been sprinkling it with nutritional yeast. YUM!
Pop your popcorn your favorite way, but keep in mind that air-popping is the healthiest option. If you are using the microwave, put your popcorn in a brown paper bag and pop. It works great!
When you pull the popcorn out, put in bowl and sprinkle with nutritional yeast (you can use Earth Balance or olive oil if you want). I also like to use Garlic Gold or Parma Chipotle.
Posted at
4:31 PM
a recipe for popcorn?
Fit Club Tuesday|free fitness coaching|recipe|
Comments (0)

Fit Club Tuesday,
free fitness coaching,
Monday, March 21, 2011
Healthy Habits!
boIt is so good to be home, getting back into a routine and back to my good health habits!
Brian and I enjoyed our walks every day on vacation, so we have decided to continue those now that we are home. We walked first thing this morning (wishing we were still walking on the beach) and then had our shake and after a little digesting, I did my TurboFire/ChaLEAN workout for the day. Stretch 40. This is JUST what I needed today. My body is so tight and a little sore from all the sitting we did over the last two days in the car!
So, my new routine is as follows:
1) Walking with Brian once or twice per day. This will help me to get my steps in daily as well as having the best walking partner!!
2) Following the TurboFire/ ChaLEAN Extreme workout routine. This will allow me to get the best of both worlds - cardio and weight training! I need weights back in my life!
Chalene Johnson inspires me! I need that positivity in my life!!
3) Eat clean. I will be focusing on veggies and fruits. Atleast one Shakeology per day and hopefully a green drink per day as well. No processed foods, less eating out, less alcohol.
4) Move - I need to move more thoughout the day. I think the plan I have is going to work!!
I am so ready to establish my new healthy habits! If you want to join in with me, please feel free. Sign up for a free account (if you don't already have one) at my website and then we can get you started on the right foot! Free Fitness Coaching?, yes please!!!
Discussion: Do you have a plan in place? I really think that makes all the difference in the world!
Brian and I enjoyed our walks every day on vacation, so we have decided to continue those now that we are home. We walked first thing this morning (wishing we were still walking on the beach) and then had our shake and after a little digesting, I did my TurboFire/ChaLEAN workout for the day. Stretch 40. This is JUST what I needed today. My body is so tight and a little sore from all the sitting we did over the last two days in the car!
So, my new routine is as follows:
1) Walking with Brian once or twice per day. This will help me to get my steps in daily as well as having the best walking partner!!
2) Following the TurboFire/ ChaLEAN Extreme workout routine. This will allow me to get the best of both worlds - cardio and weight training! I need weights back in my life!
Chalene Johnson inspires me! I need that positivity in my life!!
3) Eat clean. I will be focusing on veggies and fruits. Atleast one Shakeology per day and hopefully a green drink per day as well. No processed foods, less eating out, less alcohol.
4) Move - I need to move more thoughout the day. I think the plan I have is going to work!!
I am so ready to establish my new healthy habits! If you want to join in with me, please feel free. Sign up for a free account (if you don't already have one) at my website and then we can get you started on the right foot! Free Fitness Coaching?, yes please!!!
Discussion: Do you have a plan in place? I really think that makes all the difference in the world!
Posted at
11:12 AM
Healthy Habits!
ChaLEAN Extreme|free fitness coaching|healthy habits|TurboFire|workout routine|
Comments (0)

Sunday, March 20, 2011
are words really necessary?
Posted at
8:01 AM
are words really necessary?
fun trip|great vacation memories|vacation photos|
Comments (0)

fun trip,
great vacation memories,
vacation photos
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
it's been a GOOD day!
We are having a blast here! The weather is PERFECT! I am not exaggerating at all. In the 70's, sunny and just a light breeze. Delightful!
Yesterday we spend the majority of the day in historic Savannah. We took the Paula Deen tour, enjoyed a very nice lunch at Uncle Bubba's and then walked around Savannah. The place is just so pretty. I think I could live here if it wasn't for the darned sand gnats!

Yesterday we spend the majority of the day in historic Savannah. We took the Paula Deen tour, enjoyed a very nice lunch at Uncle Bubba's and then walked around Savannah. The place is just so pretty. I think I could live here if it wasn't for the darned sand gnats!
the spanish moss covered oaks
beautiful church
one of the many fountains
I didn't know that St. Patrick's day was such a big deal in Savannah, however, it is! School is out, several businesses are closed and they have a HUGE parade (said to last 4 hours and be 2nd only to NYC), and the fountains are all dyed green in the honor!
Today, we went fishing! We had a great time, got a little sunburned and I caught a fish!!
It was a beautiful morning, perfect weather for fishing!
My catch!
Like I said, it's been a good day! The best part is, we get to do it again tomorrow!
Monday, March 14, 2011
We made it to our get-away destination - Tybee Island GA!
I LOVE the beach! Had to jump for joy!!!
We got here on Saturday, but the internet service at our rental isn't working, thankfully, my Sprint phone now has a hotspot capability! YIPPEE! I'm back online!!
We have toured the island,
climbed the 178 steps up the lighthouse,
toured Fort Pulaski
ate some good food
drank a drink or two....
and enjoyed a beautiful sunset.
All of this on the first full day. Today was another great day. Busy, fun and GREAT!!
Discussion: When you go on vacation, do you prefer to have your days filled with things to do or do you like a more laid back vacation?
I LOVE the beach! Had to jump for joy!!!
We got here on Saturday, but the internet service at our rental isn't working, thankfully, my Sprint phone now has a hotspot capability! YIPPEE! I'm back online!!
We have toured the island,
climbed the 178 steps up the lighthouse,
toured Fort Pulaski
ate some good food
drank a drink or two....
and enjoyed a beautiful sunset.
All of this on the first full day. Today was another great day. Busy, fun and GREAT!!
Discussion: When you go on vacation, do you prefer to have your days filled with things to do or do you like a more laid back vacation?
Posted at
7:10 PM
beautiful sunset|good times|Tybee Island vacation|
Comments (0)

beautiful sunset,
good times,
Tybee Island vacation
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