Monday, June 29, 2009

New York City Trip!

I am going to New York City this week and I'm so excited! I'm going with my mom, mom-in-law, sister-in-law and my best friend! We are going to have so much fun! We have plans to visit the statue of liberty and Ellis Island, we have a bus tour on a double decker bus and will be hopping on and off all over the town for 3 days! I can't wait to try out some of the amazing restaurants I have heard about. There are more things to do, but it really doesn't matter if we get them all done or not. We are even going to get to see the fireworks on the 4th!

I've been getting ready for this trip for quite a while now. Purchasing new clothing and comfy shoes for walking, working out a little more to be ready for all that walking and be in the best shape I can be in. I've started a new round of the X workouts with a group of friendly people at Ozark Christian College. We are having a great time getting fit!! It's always more fun to work out with people!! I've also been doing the Project You workouts with a great group of girls! We have fun, chat and laugh a lot while we are sweating and working out!

It is going to be strange not to be with Brian and the boys for the 4th. We usually have a big cookout at the lake for friends and family. I hope that they will be able to have fun without me LOL!!

Just a reminder that the 1/2 price sale for Project: You Type 2, will be ending with the month of June. You only have 2 days left to get your copy of this amazing workout at the sale price. This is one of my favorite workouts and has such great information for diabetics. You don't have to be a diabetic to do this workout!! If you know of anyone at all, please let them know about this great sale. The ADA has endorsed Project: YOU Type 2. Through this relationship, ADA and Beachbody want to change the future of diabetes.

If anyone has any tips or advice for my trip, please feel free to post them and let me know what I shouldn't miss!!

Vegetable Pasta Salad from Deirdre Imus - The Imus Ranch Cooking for Kids and Cowboys Cookbook:

Make this pasta salad in the morning and serve it with fresh whole-grain bread for lunch. Better yet, wait and present as a side dish alongside grilled veggie burgers for an informal supper. The flavors blend and intensify with time.

3 cups penne pasta
2 cups broccoli florets
4 plum tomatoes, diced
1 cup diced red bell pepper
1 cup diced yellow bell pepper
1/4 cup sliced black olives
1/4 cup sliced green spanish olives
1/2 cup rosemary-balsamic dressing (recipe to follow)
3 scallions, white and green parts chopped
2 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 tsp. sale
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Cook the pasta according to package directions and immediately rinse it under cold running water to stop the cooking. Drain well and set it aside.

Steam the broccoil until tender, 5-7 mins and rinse under cold running water to stop the cooking. Drain well.

In a large bowl, combine thepasta, broccoli and the remaining ingredients. Toss well to combine and refrigerate until serving.

Makes 6 servings

Rosemary-Balsamic Dressing

Use your best quality balsamic in this recipe and even the most ordinary salad will suddenly appear dressed up. The freshest summer herbs are a superb contract to the rich taste of a well-aged vinegar. This will keep tightly covered in the refrigerator for about 4 days.

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1 egg or 2 tbsp liquid egg substitue
2 tbsp minced fresh rosemary
2 tbsp freshly minced flat leaf parsley
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/2 cup sunflower or safflower oil
1/2 cup olive oil

Combine all the ingredients except the oils in the container of a food processor and process 1-2 mins. With the motor tunning, slowly add the oils through the feed tube until the dressing is thickened and well blended. If necessary, thin the dressing with a small amount of water or additional balsamic vinegar.

Makes 1 1/2 cups.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What do you do after P90X?

Have you completed a couple of rounds of P90X and are wondering, what's next? Well, Tony Horton has come out with Tony Horton's One on One workouts! These workouts are amazing! The best part is you can get started in July just for one penny! Yes, I said ONE CENT!

Get started on your journey to better health and fitness next week! Order your copy at

Need a recommendation on the best workout for you? Email me or post a comment here and I'll help you find the right workout to get you on your journey to better health. There is no better time to get started.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just about everyone that knows me, knows that I don't like cold weather. I much prefer summer, spring and fall to winter. So, I am thrilled that the hot weather is here. It's so hot today that the temperature of our pool is 96 degrees. Now, that is a little hot for pool water. Even for Brian!!! I love being able to spend time with my family at our lakehouse, boating, swimming and just enjoying our time together. We all were together this weekend at the lake for Father's Day. Nick made Brian a cake, Chase and Meredith got Brian some tiki torches for the deck and Jake gave Brian a nice handshake. LOL!! We had an amazing lunch with Brian's family and then came home and spent the evening with the kids in the pool. I'd say Brian had a great day!

Another thing I love about warmer/hot weather is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. There is nothing better in my book. I made green beans and new potatoes for dinner tonight. They were sooo good. I also made a recipe for strawberry salsa. A very nice twitter friend gave me the recipe and she got it from I'll post the recipe below. It was very yummy. Brian thought is was odd, but still ate his fair share!!

Brian's elbow is still bothering him. He fell a few weeks ago and banged his elbow. He burst the bursa sac and is now suffering from bursitis. He also played golf this week and his elbow doesn't work quite right and it's sore from that as well. He's icing it and trying to take care of it, but not going to the dr to get it fixed - yet.

I leave for New York City next week. I am so excited about this trip. Mom, Hermina, Lisa and Judy and I are all going. Julie (my niece) is at dance camp there and you know, someone has to go and pick her up. We all are going to suffer through it for her LOL! We have so many wonderful things planned. If you have any good suggestions, please post them here. We leave on the 1st.

Strawberry Salsa

When shopping for strawberries they can be large or small in size but must be fragrant and a deep red in color. I used white onions, not yellow here for it’s clean, sharp onion flavor.
2 cups finely chopped strawberries, about 1 pound1/2 cup finely chopped white onion4 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro1 teaspoon fresh lime juice1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Gently mix all ingredients together in a bowl. This recipe can be prepared in advance. Keep refrigerated up to 2 days. Bring to room temperature before serving.
Yields 2 1/2 cups

Sliced Avocado Fans

Cut in half an avocado and removed the stone and skin. Take one half of the avocado and cut in into equal, making 1/8-inch vertical cuts but not completely through. Turn on its side or stand it upright and gently spread out the slices.

Spicy Cilantro Vinaigrette

2 cups fresh cilantro1 cup extra virgin olive oil1 fresh serrano or jalapeño chili pepper
Blend together all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Can be prepared in advance. Keep refrigerated up to 2-3 days. Bring to room temperature before serving.
Yields about 1 1/4 cups

Strawberry Fans

Take a whole strawberry with top still attached, place on a cutting board with the hull side down. Make vertical cuts but not completely through, leaving the top part uncut. Turn the strawberry on its side or stand it upright and gently spread out the slices.


Pour or drizzle desired amount of spicy cilantro vinaigrette on individual plates. Place avocado fans on top of the vinaigrette. Place strawberry salsa atop the avocado slices. Garnish with cilantro leaves, strawberry fans, and fresh ground black pepper.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

#361 THE BEST FOOD ON THE PLANET! - Newsletters - Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Weight Loss Official Web site

#361 THE BEST FOOD ON THE PLANET! - Newsletters - Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Weight Loss Official Web site

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National Eat your Vegetables Day!

Today is National Eat Your Vegetables Day! Be sure to get at least 5 servings of veggies in daily! It may sound hard, but it really is pretty easy! Instead of that bag of tortilla chips, have a handful of carrots, broccoli and celery. Add veggies to your sandwiches and smoothies. It's amazing how yummy that can be! You won't believe it!

Over the weekend, I hosted a health party! I invited friends over to learn how to cook healthy foods and to make some beauty supplies. We had so much fun! Lots of great food and our hands are so smooth from our salt scrub!

Here are a few of the recipes from this weekend:

- Dreena Burton (Vive Le Vegan)
this is a bean dip that you can use with veggies, on crackers, or with tortilla chips. Whatever you like it with. I like to make a salad with tomatoes, olives and a dollop of hummus on top. Add a little balsamic vinegar on top and it is pretty yummy.

2 cups cooked chickpeas (garbanzo beans) canned is okay.
3 1/2 - 5 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice (adjust to taste)
2-3 tbsp tahini (sesame seed paste - get at the health food store)
2 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 small or medium clove garlic, sliced
1/2 tsp sea salt
3-4 tbsp water ( or less/more as desired)
freshly ground black pepper to taste

In a blender or a food processor combine all the ingredients and puree until smooth, adding a littl water at first, then more if desired to thin it. Scrape down the sides of the bowl several times throughout and puree again until very smooth. Season to taste with additional salt, pepper or lemon juice. Serve in a large bowl, drizzled with extra virgin oil.

Makes 5-6 servings or more as an appetizer with bread, chips or veggies

Spinach Salad

I don't really have a recipe for this, but this is what all I put in it.

Fresh Spinach leaves ( cut up in small, bite size pcs)
red onions
walnuts (these are really good toasted in a skillet with a little bit of maple syrup)
drizzle with balsamic dressing

For the dressing:

equal parts extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar - you can add 1 tsp mustard to this if you like it tangy. Mix well

Fruit Salsa

1 red onion, diced
pineapple, maybe about 1/2 cup? diced
1-2 jalepenos diced
2 cups? mango - diced or chopped
dash of salt
dash of chili powder
2 cloves of garlic - chopped
1/4 cup cilantro - chop it up and add
handful or 2 of grape tomatoes - cut them in quarters
lemon or lime juice - probably about 1/2 of the fruit - squeezed onto the salsa

I soak the jalepeno in about 1/4 cup of water and then cut up the pepper and add the water to the salsa.
This will get better as it sits. I don't really follow a recipe, so I hope this is right. You can also add a little store bought salsa to it if you like

Basic Blisscuits
Mariel Hemmingway (Mariel's Kitchen)

Makes 60 blisscuits or 32 oz of dough
This makes enough dough for about 60 blisscuits, make the whole recipe and freeze the leftovers.

2 cups almond meal
1 cup plus 2 tbsp whey protein isolate powder ( I will use hemp protein since I don't eat dairy products)
1 cup plus 1 tbsp xylosweet
1/2 cup finely shredded coconut
3 tbsp coconut flour
3 tbsp brown rice flour
2 1/2 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 3/4 tsp baking powder
2 1/4 tsp xanthan gum
1 cup coconut oil
3 large egg whites
1 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 tsp almond extract

1. Preheat over to 300 degrees. Cover 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

2. Place all dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix together well.
In a med bowl whisk together coconut oil, egg whites, and vanilla and almond extracts. Pour wet ingredients into dry and mix together well.

3. Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thick and cut into 2 inch squares. or form into 2 inch patties 1/4 inch thick with your hands. Place on prepared bakind sheets and bake until golden, 15-20 mins.

4. Let cool before storing in an airtight container for up to 4 days or freeze for up to a month.

You can divide dough into 1 cup amounts and wrap tightly in plastic wrap then in foil. Blisscuit dough can be frozen for up to 2 months. This way you can defrost a cup at a time and bake fresh blisscits whenever you like.

Salt of the Earth Body Scrub - Organic Body care Recipes by Stephanie Tourles

This is an ultra-invigorating blend, perfect to use in the morning as a wake-me-up, skin sparkling scrub. It enlivens all the senses!

2 cups sea salt (preferably finely ground, but regular granular will do)
3/4 cup extra-virign olive base oil or base oil of choice

20-40 drops peppermint, spearmint, grapefruit, geranium or rosemary essential oil (or whatever oil you like)

In a medium sized bowl, comgine the sea salt and the base oil. Using a whisk, stir to blend. Add the essential oil drop by drop and blend. Spoon into a storage container with a tight fitting lid. No refrigeration is required, but for maximum greshness and gragrance, please use within 6 months.

Application tips: Massage approzimatley 1/4 - 1/2 cup of scrub onto premoistened skin using circular motions. Rinse.

We had a great time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sharing the healthy lifestyle!

I love to share helathy things with anyone that will listen to me long enough! I am having a little party at my house tomorrow to show a few friends how to eat healthier and I get so excited for these things.

I have spent most of the day today cooking and preparing for the party. I did manage to get my workout in (Ab Ripper X and Legs and Back) and got a little bit of work done. Not enough, but it will be okay.

I've made fruit salsa, sangria, and the most delectable blisscuits! Oh my, these are tasty little things. They are little. This could be a problem. I begin to think that since they are little, I can eat more of them. I know that Brian will love these as well. I am probably going to have to hide these before he gets home or there won't be any for tomorrow!

We are going to make hummus and enjoy all this good food. Good food, good company and healthy to beat, can't get any better than that!

When we were in Memphis, we went to the farmer's market. They have a VERY nice farmer's market there. I picked up several things - amazing dark chocolate granola from Groovy Foods ( and some very good apple butter from Alcenia's ( Brian considers himself an apple butter expert and he loves this stuff. I got some really cute ladybug bowls. Handmade pottery that can be put in the dishwasher. YEAH!! I didn't pick up a card from the potter, so my apologies for not listing her website. These bowls are so nice.

I am taking a coaching and accountability class with Dani Johnson for 9 weeks. I am having to step out of my comfort zone here and it is pushing me. This is a good thing!! However, I have homework to do each week. It's been a long time since I've had homework. UGH! Atleast this is not as bad as algebra :) My point on this is that I need to practice on people. If you have time and would allow me to practice with you, please get in touch with me. I need to talk to 10 people each week. Some of my friends have stepped up and helped and I am soooo very appreciative to them for that. Preparation is key! Drop me a line at if you are available. It will take about 15 mins on the phone.

I'll post pictures from the party tomorrow. I can't wait to share all this fun with you!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Memphis Trip and More!

We had a blast in Memphis this last weekend. It was just what I needed, a little R & R!! We went to Graceland, the zoo, Mud Island, Beale Street (more than once) and even managed to drive over to Tunica and check out the casinos.

We walked all over Memphis - checked out the farmer's market and then walked over to Mud Island and explored there!

Memphis is a neat city with lots to do for people of all ages! We had some good food, good drinks and listened to some amazing music! I have to say that I HIGHLY recommend Richard Johnston and Matt Tutor. Both phenomenonally good musicians! We bought their CD's. This says a lot, Brian hasn't purchased a CD in over 5 years.

It was very hard to find vegetarian food there. That would be the only drawback to my visit. I did find a great restaurant - Automatic Slim's that served a vegetarian meal and the BEST martinis!! I tried Key Lime and Caramel Apple. I was torn between wanting another one and being able to walk out of the restaurant. Since the night was young, I opted for walking. :)

On the way home on Sunday, we drove to Eureka Springs and stopped at the Thorncrown Chapel. Oh my, this was absolutely beautiful. To be able to attend a worship service there would be amazing. It was moving just being there.

Today, it is time to get back on track with my eating and with my exercise (although we walked so much that I don't feel I missed out on this!) and with work. I love that with my job as a Beachbody Coach, I am able to take long weekends, explore the country and work from where ever I am. If you would like this type of lifestlye as well, check out and then email me at on how to get started in your own home based business today! Don't wait another minute. It's an amazing opportunity!!

Scrambled Tortillas - Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Serves 4

For the tortillas:
6 five inch corn tortillas, torn into large strips (3-4 inches)
1 lb Yukon gold potatoes, sliced about 1/4 inch thick and 1 inch across
1 TBSP olive oil
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 jalepenos, seeded and thinkly sliced
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1 lb soft tofu, blended until smooth

For the sauce:
2 tsp olice oil
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp ground cumin
1 TBSP oregano
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 6 oz can tomato sauce
1 tsp hot sauce, or to taste (optional)

For Serving:
Thinly chopped scallions for garnish (optional)

Boil water for steaming. Steam the tortillas in a steaming basket for about 2 minutes, until soft and pliable. Remove from steam and set aside. Steam the potatoes for about 10 mins until tender but still firm.

Meanwhile, saute the onion and jalapenos in oil in a large pan (preferably cast iron) over med heat for 5-7 mins. Add the tortillas, cumin, salt and saute for 5 more minutes.

Start the sauce in a saucepan. Suate the garlic in oil until fragrant, about a minute. Add the cumin, oregano, chili powder and salt and saute for 30 seconds or so. Add tomato sauce and heat through. Add hot sauce if using, turn the heat off and cover the sauce to keep warm.

Back to the tortillas: pour the blended tofu voer the tortillas and toss to coat. Raise the heat to med high and saute the tofu and tortillas for about 10 mins more. Scrape the bottom of the pan to get the nice crusty bits and to make sure that you don't lose anything to the bottome of the pan. The dish is ready when the outsides of the tortillas are lightly browned and the tofu si firmer. Add the potatoes and toss to mix them in.

Scoop scrambled tortillas into a bowl and pour sauce over the top. Sprinkle with scallions and top with guacamole if you like and serve.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Products and discounts from Beachbody!

Get swimsuit-ready with three incredible products launching today!

Yoga Booty Ballet® Ab & Butt Makeover is here. watch for the infomercial (airing now!) for all the bootylicious details! Yoga Booty Ballet® is a dynamic fusion of yoga, booty sculpting, and cardio dance that will get you the long lean sexy body you've always wanted! The workouts are so fun, you won't believe you're working out and they're so easy—anyone can do it!

Diamond Delts, the latest One on One with Tony Horton workout, is hot off the presses to help you get that glamorous "V" shape for summer. You’ve never worked out with Tony Horton like this before. No set, no cast, NO MERCY! Are you ready to go ONE on ONE? Every month, a new workout will be delivered to your door. Plus, get a FREE DVD wallet to hold your new workouts!

To help inspire more and more people to manage the ever-increasing number of cases of diabetes, we're offering Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2™ at a whopping 40 percent off! Now you can get this incredible program for just $59.85. Discount valid through 7/31. The only diet and fitness program developed in conjunction with doctors, certified diabetes educators, and the American Diabetes Association, Project: YOU! Type 2 is the first all-in-one solution to help manage diabetes, reduce your risk for diabetes complications, and get back in control of your life!

If all that isn't enough to get you going, Insanity™ with Shaun T is also coming this month!

Coming this month: Shakeology®, The Workouts! When combined with Shakeology, these fun workouts will help you get in shape and may even help garner incredible weight and cholesterol-lowering results—as proven in our recent test group!

Also coming this month, regularity! How, you ask? With Shakeology's first "Boost" . . . Fiber! This blendable boost is perfect with Shakeology or our Meal Replacement Shake, as well as sprinkled on your favorite healthy foods like oatmeal or cereal. It may be just what you need to help boost your health to the next level.

Stay tuned for more details about these two new products over the next few weeks.

All of these wonderful products are available through my webpage at Remember if you order from me, I get to be your coach and help you to stay motivated, encourage you and help you to get the best results possible.
We also have a new website coming! It's going to be amazing! While you've been hard at work transforming your body, we've been working on our own transformation. The all-new Team Beachbody® is coming soon! Read below for important information about our exciting site upgrade.

First, what's not changing: when you log on to the new Team Beachbody, all of your personal account information will remain intact. Your progress and goals, your WOWY SuperGym™ workouts, your blogs, your Workout Buddies, and everything else that you've personalized on Team Beachbody will be ready and waiting for you to get even more out of them.

Additionally, you will still find all your favorite articles, videos, tips, and fitness tools on the new Team Beachbody. All of our great content will be organized more effectively to help you find what you need—fast.

Now, on to the exciting stuff. Here are a few of the highlights of what is changing in the new Team Beachbody:

A whole new look and feel. The look of the new Team Beachbody will be radically different from what you're used to, and we think you'll find this is a good thing. It will only take you a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the new Team Beachbody landscape, and you will notice immediately that all the great content you enjoy is much easier to find, with many key links right at your fingertips.

Your personalized user status bar. Now you can see your messages, Buddies, scheduled workouts, and goal tracker on every page! Keeping your goals in sight and your Buddies close will help you stick with your program.
Get connected in your own message center. We've made it simple to communicate with your Workout Buddies without ever having to give out your personal email address.

Add up to 20 additional photos on your profile page. Now you can include not only your "before," "after," and current photos, but also additional photos of you living the Beachbody® life! Share your favorite photos with all of your Team Beachbody friends.

Set up repeating workouts in the WOWY SuperGym, and accept more than one workout invitation for the same time. If you like to do the same workout at the same time every day or every week, you can easily add it to your calendar with one click! Plus, no more having to prioritize your workouts—in the new Team Beachbody, you will be able to accept invitations from Workout Buddies who want to join you midway through your workout, or who just want to overlap with part of your workout.

Your Coach is now your Workout Buddy, too. In the new Team Beachbody, you won't have to search for your Coach. Just click through to your Buddy list from your user status bar and connect with your Coach for all the advice and support you need.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Favorite Place to eat in Joplin!

Yesterday I went to my favorite hangout - Isadora's Wonderful Things in Joplin MO. I love going there, my friends are there, Michael and Bethany (the owners) are great friends as well and the food is just amazing! Don't let the fact that it is a vegetarian restaurant scare you away from trying it. There are all kinds of good food items on the menu. The place has a good vibe, you can't help but love the food and the people are all so nice. You can get to know the regulars pretty easy, just start talking and someone will have an opinion to share on the topic.

Bethany served Nori veggie rolls yesterday and they were delicious. They were so pretty that I had to take a picture and share it here with you all. I think it might be my all time favorite dish she has served. Hard to say that, there have been so many good ones.

Be sure to stop in and check it out - you won't be sorry and I know that you'll be thanking me for letting you know about it. The hours they are open are not set. If you are interested in eating there, send Bethany an email so you can be in the know to when she is open, She'll get you on the mailing list and you can know the special of the day and the hours of operation:

This is one of Bethany's wonderful creations:
Pomegranate and Orange Dressing
Juice one Valencia orange.
Add an equivalent amount of good quality extra virgin olive oil.
Stir in a tiny bit of honey or agave nectar.
Mash a dozen or so pomegranate arils (the seeds) and add the pulp and juice to the dressing.
Whisk together and serve at room temp over greens with a few crushed pistachios. Yum.